Part 36: Proof

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I awoke to Henry shaking me gently. We were still in the SUV, but now we were parked in my garage. I was still nude, but now I was wearing Henry's jacket, as I was snuggled up to him.

I stretched out a bit, and covered my yawn, blinking until my eyes adjusted. His jacket was huge on me, and managed to cover my bottom.

"We're home," he said softly to me.

I nodded and looked around for my clothes. Henry shook his head and made a dismissive gesture. "Don't bother."

He climbed out of the SUV and turned back to scoop me into his arms. I pressed both hands to his firm chest, and nuzzled him as he carried me into my home.  He kissed my forehead.

Once inside, he took me directly to my bedroom and deposited me gently into my bed. Henry tried to remove his jacket from around my shoulders, but I refused, pulling it tighter around me. It smelled of him.

I began dozing off again, but opened my eyes to find Henry beside me in bed. He looked like he had undressed himself. His hands gripped my hips and pulled me close to him.

"Did you fuck her?" I mumbled as he grabbed my ass and pressed my body into his.


"Did you fuck her?" I repeated, this time a little louder, and slurred.  "While I was at home pregnant with Oliver?" I said, choking on our son's name. Tears immediately filled my eyes, and I hugged myself in Henry's jacket. The thought of Henry being unfaithful to our family burned in my chest.

"I don't think so," he whispered. His illustrious voice was low and barely a murmur.


"Understand—please. I was inebriated that night. A few people from our dinner ended up in my room, drinking. You know I never do that," he began, averting his eyes. He stroked the small of my back, in a nearly anxious way.  "When I woke up, she was in my bed. I was utterly shocked and I did call security," he added, closing his eyes.

"But?" I asked him, hearing the open cadence in his statement.

"But we were naked. And-and she was..." he hesitated.

"She was what?"

Do you really want to know this?

"She was sucking me off," he responded quietly.  "I didn't realize what was happening until... it was over," he clenched his eyes shut, looking pained.

I closed my eyes now. I believed him. He hadn't ever lied to me.


I nodded and blinked. I was wide awake now, with a sick feeling inside. I couldn't bare the thought of someone touching him...

"I heard you," I responded. "I just don't know what to think..."

He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my chest, nuzzling my breasts. I stroked his curls, staring ahead—disassociating from the moment.

"Sarah, I'm sorry this happened."

I shook my head, snapping back into reality. "But you were so angry... and you let her finish?" I murmured, trying to wrap my head around the evening.

He kissed my breasts and moved his mouth to my neck. "I was drunk... I didn't realize who she was..."

As he dug his teeth into my neck and pushed his hand between my thighs, I said, angrily, "Who did you think was sucking your dick?"

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