Part 3: Some "Great Things" and Nightmares

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(For this one I'm going a little bit more sinister...)

When Qibli returned to the dorm with Moon the piece of paper was still stuck, unnoticed, in his horns. Moon had finally gone to bed when Qibli was done cleaning some juice that had spilled on his tail out of the cracks between his scales. A heavy wind rushed through the open window and the slip of paper unfurled, tickling Qibli's head. He reached to brush it away but felt a small familiar feeling as his talons brushed it. It was animus touched. His thoughts spinning, Qibli pulled the paper free and set the world further on a course of destruction and chaos. Qibli pulled the paper open and examined it. There were remnants of words on the sliver of parchment but they were faded and the edges were frayed. There was only enough space on the page for one word on each side. What does this do? Who enchanted it? Why is it here? Those 3 questions circled in Qibli's head over and over before his mind froze at a single thought. Was this... Darkstalker's? The scroll did have multiple chunks taken out of it, could this be a lost piece? Qibli looked at the small paper over again and then he thought of something. Grabbing a bottle of ink and rushing down to the living room, Qibli put the paper on a table and dipped a claw in the ink.

this grow

Qibli wrote, one word on each side. And the scrap of paper obeyed, slowly growing larger and larger. Soon it was the size of the table which was a dragon's-length long.

Stop growing

Qibli wrote, satisfied with the now large paper. Without knowing it, Qibli had suddenly forged a path that branched in a thousand different directions, many of them ending with Qibli either dying, or ending the world and even the universe. Meanwhile, Moon had a dream (or more accurately, a nightmare). It started with a sandwing standing in the center of a fire. Then an image of a scroll flashed momentarily into view. Then it was the dragon again, they were getting closer. Another image, from the view of a dragon being submerged in water, bubbles and ripples hiding the dragon above, but a gold dragon's arm was stretched out under the water, was this a murder? The dragon in the fire again, getting even closer. "You betrayed me." He said in a slithery voice, definitely not his own. "Why? After all, I did it for someone I cared for." Two more images, back to back, the first was blue Icewing blood on a stone floor. The second was Winter, teeth bared at something beyond what Moon could see. Then Winter's voice rang out through Moon's mind, even if in the image his jaw didn't move. "History tends to repeat itself, let's hope our future doesn't follow the rules." Then Winter bounded forward and it was back to the dragon in the fire. "I did this for you..." He said, continuing his thoughts as the back of his head got closer. "I did this for you Moon." And Qibli turned to face her, crying and bleeding from a deep gash on his face. The nightmare ended and Moon woke up, feeling like flames had danced on her scales. But the damage had been done, Qibli had already made multiple enchantments and now had a scroll with infinite paper, enchantments, possibilities, timelines, and a one-way ticket to a future of senseless bloodshed and chaos.

Qibli had made too many enchantments on the enormous page and now had it rolled up in one talon and a scroll in the other. I'll keep this one just in case. He thought, putting the enormous paper under his bed. As for you- He smirked, looking down at the power in his talons. -we'll do great things together, just you and me... And with that, Qibli's soul shifted and altered, so subtly at first no one noticed the change, not even himself. But it would come to the light that this precious, kind dragon wasn't so precious nor kind any more. 


Umbli: Hey when do we come in?


Wings of Fire: Poison Revenge (a Winterwatcher story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu