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There he is

The room is dark but you know his shadow, his heart

His face, the way his lips part when he mouths your name

The distance between the two of you, the age gap that frightens everyone but the two of you

You look at him and he looks at you and a glass drops

It may be him

It may be you

It has been 2 years of questions and cautious dates and easy fights

A fear of love from both sides

You have never been good at commitment, you have always feared losing the upper-hand

He has grown so used to being alone that any other way of life is startling to him

It is precarious, risky

Much waiting, much fear

He is a man and you are still a girl

But it works, although it is not easy

He is still yours, in the end 

Your twin soul, your equal in humor and beauty and intelligence and manipulation 

You play his game with ease


After so long

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