Boys By The Sea

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I hold his hand carefully
He's got an artist's hands
Careful and thin with
Long, elegant fingers
Smudges of blue and green and yellow on the pads of his fingertips
I press my fingers against his
Align our hands
His is bigger than mine
But just barely
He's also slightly taller
Which drives me crazy

He lets go of my hand
His pointer finger traces my wrist
The sun is setting behind him
He's staring at my collarbone
I want to remember this moment forever
His golden hair
His wild eyes
His crazy beautiful face

Maybe he can draw us later
Me in my swim trunks
My knees touching his
Sand in my hair, on my bare back, on my legs
A stupid smile on my face
Him watching me
Hungry, like he's never seen a boy before
Like he wants me so bad it might kill him

My chest is closing up in the way it does when I get anxious
My heart's beating beating beating
Keeping pace with the cries of a seagull
I feel like I may explode
Or maybe cry
Because this is the most beautiful moment of my life

There's a droplet of water on his throat
I want to kiss it dry
And maybe he's thinking the same thing about me
Because he leans in
And his fingers dig into my thighs
And his face is so close to mine
And I think I may actually be losing it
I think I may drop dead right on this sand

He t-touches my bottom lip
And I tilt my head back
I keep my eyes open wide
His finger traces my jaw
The slope of my nose
He leans down and
his way along my collarbone

My eyes are dipping shut
All I can smell is his shampoo and his sweat and
All I can smell is him and I wouldn't want it any other way
He moves back up to my face
The sun is liquid fire behind him
Sinking fast into the dark

He hovers just above my lips
Taunting, teasing
I'm begging with my eyes
My hands
I place them on his hipbones
He shudders
Then he does it

He kisses me
Slow and steady
He tastes like the sea
Like boy
And I can't tell whether the tears I feel are his or mine
And I couldn't tell you where he ends and I begin
All I could tell you is that euphoria
Feels like him
And this body of mine
Has never known a love like this

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