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It was an accident
The road was slick and swift, the streetlights flickered
The curve in the road had an extreme bend
She stood frozen in the eyes of a gigantic officer
Who looked stoic through the windows but
Up close, when the door opened
And she stood no more than 5'3,
He allowed himself to feel the pain of his words
As he told this girl her fate
For he had done this before, dozens of times
And this story was no different
Another accident
More people
Another tragic fate
But it is hard to look someone in the eyes
Whom still has hope in all the bridges of her face
And tell her that she must bury her parents
80 years too early
And it is even harder to walk away
To forget this family, and the one before it
But you must
As grief is more willing to drown you
Than it is to offer you room for breath

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