- 8 - The rogue titan

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In the hq, Armin was seen to be refilling his gas but his hands were trembling with fear. He was muttering about how this will be like 5 years ago but Eren place his hands on his shoulders and look deep into his eyes with determination.

"Armin! This is not like 5 years ago! It's different! We've changed! We had trained for the past 3 years for this! It won't happen again!"

"B- but-"

"Get a grip, Armin!"

"Y- yeah.. I'm sorry." Armin then steadily refill his gas tanks with Eren beside him. "Where's big bro?"

"He's helping the Garrison soldiers to buy us some time."

"He did? Alone?"


"I hope he's okay."

"He is. Don't worry."


Somewhere in the hq, Eren bumped into a panicking Jean. "Watch where you're going, bastard!"

"Oi, Jean."

"Oh, it's the titan boy. What do you want huh? I'm supposed to be going in the interior today! I wasn't supposed to die today."


"Why would I listen to a suicidal maniac?! You are ready to die but I'm not!"

Eren then pushed Jean against the wall and shouted in his face. "Jean! We're trained for this! Do you remember how many people die in the training corps?! We survived! And so does today! We can survive this and you can go to the interior!"

Jean just clicks his tongue and push him away. "Hmph. I don't need you to tell me that." He said that and walks away but stopped when he remembered something. "Where's y/n? I didn't see him in the hq earlier."

"He's fighting right now."

"Heh. He's just as suicidal as you." He then walks away. "You better not die on me, y/n." He thought while walking away.

"Eren!" Someone called out, it was Mikasa.

Her expression was emotionless but it turned into a concerned one when she saw Eren. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Eren, I want you to listen to me. If things got worse, I need you to come find me immediately!"

"Ha? What are you talking about? We're totally in different squads!"

"Look. I know this will the situation will turn ugly and I'm sure people won't be going with the plan because of the chaos. Come and find me so I can protect you. I don't want to lose you. Please."

The brunette was about to retort to her words until a soldier came. "Cadet Ackerman! You're with me. You've been assigned with us to evacuate the civilians."

"But sir! I'll just slow you down."

"This is not your choice, cadet. You were assigned by special orders so, come with me."

"Sir, with all do respect-" Mikasa was interrupted with a head butt by Eren which made her hold her forehead with a small pout.

"Mikasa! This is bigger than us, this is humanity we're talking about! Humanity might face extinction while we're talking like this! Now, pull yourself together! y/n is fighting out there!" This made Mikasa look at Eren with a surprised face. "He's trying to buy us time so we can fight without casualties! Don't you know that?! My brother is fighting with his life!" The brunette yelled.

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