- 9 - The plan to take back Trost

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I, y/n l/n are not happy with the situation right now. You guys wanna know why? Okay, look.

Currently, me, Mikasa and Armin who was holding an unconscious Eren on the ground are surrounded by a huge amount of soldiers from the garrison regiment. They probably saw Eren went out of the nape of the rogue titan so that's why we're in this situation.

Wanna know why Jean and the others are not here? Actually, this is the reason. The captain that lead these soldiers, Captain Woerrman ordered us to leave Eren if we do not want to be said as an accomplice of a titan after we got out of the lift.

Geez... This situation is really messy you know. I don't even know what to do at this point. Even the warriors left, well, I know why they did but at least, Annie showed her worry towards me. *sigh* That's reassuring.

Now, let's get back to the story shall we?


The h/c haired male glance at Eren and then at Mikasa who is currently in front of them, trying to protect them, mainly towards Eren. I then look at Eren who is still unconscious but that ended when he grin in a creepy way and said something that even y/n wouldn't expect her would.

"I'll kill you all..." He said as his eyes opened a little.

Armin look at Eren. He started calling him. "... Eren?"

The brunette continued to grin creepily. After a few seconds, his eyes shot open wide. "Wha...?!"

"... Eren!" Mikasa called him.

Eren noticed his surroundings, he was shocked at why they were surrounded by soldiers.

"Eren! Can you move? Can you hear me?!" The blond beside him started to shook him. "Tell us everything you know! I know they'll understand!"

"Armin...?" Eren said in confusion.

"Hey.. Did you all hear that?" One of the soldiers began saying.

"He said, 'I'll kill you all...'." Another said as the others also continued.

"Yeah, I heard it. He was talking about us!"

"He wanted to devour us..!"

Eren just gaze around. He was confused and surprised. He didn't understand anything and started to question what's happening.

"Armin." y/n starts. "You heard them. I don't know if what Eren is going to say are gonna change the situation but, I don't think it will. They are too scared to think. They'll do whatever they can to let their fear disappear." Their adopted older brother said while being cautious without even staring at them.

"Trainee Jaegar!!" Captain Woerrman shouts. "It seems that you've regained consciousness! Your present behavior constitutes treason against the human race! Your lives depends on how you answer my questions!"

"Like you would let us live in the first place." y/n muttered.

"If you attempt to deceive me or make any move... I will not hesitate to blow you apart." The captain pointed up the wall.

Eren turned to look at the direction the captain points at. He saw a cannon was aiming at them. "Huh?!"

"I'll ask you plainly. What are you? A human or a titan?"

"I know this situation. Even if Eren answered that he's human there's no way that he or rather, all of them would believe him that easily knowing how scared they were."

y/n then turn his gaze towards Eren. His brother looks very confused. Why wouldn't he? Everyone except for the 3 of them look at him like he's somekind of monster. He doesn't even know why they would look at him like that.

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