expelled harry

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This is set when the first year's are having their flying lessons.

When Harry had touched down back onto the ground proffessor mcgonagall came out and yelled at harry about how irresponsible of what he did.

He was taken to dumbledores office and was expelled on the spot. At dinner draco teased him about the flight.

After draco finished that Harry was so mad he used wandless magic out of anger and hurt himself.

Harry was then taken to the train and sent back to the dursleys. With harry not there every year was different.

It was now year 5 and the malfoys were sent to bring harry back to hogwarts for his education but what the malfoys saw was unexplainable.

They walked in to a puddle of blood and a almost dead harry potter I front of them. They apparated immediately to hogwarts and Harry was healed.

People apologised but harry was not listening.

If you would like a part 2 pls comment and I will make it.

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