Chapter 6

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"Ok, here we are. Biology." Miles said, spreading his arms out wide in a welcoming gesture as we stood in front of a closed door.

I nodded, "Yeah I figured that much considering that biology is first on my schedule." I said.

"Well someone is being a negative Nancy," he said with a huff, "why are you in such a bad mood anyway? You're going to be reunited with you long lost lover!" He exclaimed, grabbing onto my arm and shaking me dramatically.

"I'm excited to see Reese, but then again, you're there." I said.

He held a hand to his chest and looked at me with disbelief, "How rude. I will be the best part of you day. I've been voted class clown every year since the third grade. It's a blessing that I'm in all of your classes." He said.

I smiled, "Can't wait." I said sarcastically

Miles reached for the doorhandle and swung it open for dramatic affect, opening his arms for dramatic affect.

"Stay there. We need the suspense." He whispered to me before turning to the teacher who was standing at his desk with his arms crossed.

"Miles , what are you doing and why are you so late?" He asked.

"Do not worry. I am alright. I came across a new student headed this way and saved her life. She is here!" He said. I could hear the laughter of the class even though I couldn't see them.

"Okay, why don't you let her come in?" He asked.

"Alright alright alright. God, you really like to kill the dramatic affect." He said with a sigh, getting the class to laugh again.

"Alright, now that he's wasted too much of your time, you can feel free to come in now." The teacher said, looking at me.

I walked into the room and stood next to the teacher.

Miles stood next to me and put his arms on my shoulder, "Hey Reese! Look who I found!" Miles said excitedly as he pointed at me.

I immediately spotted Reese, sitting in the center of the room with a smile on his face.

"Miles, sit down right now or you'll get another detention for this week." The teacher said.

"Alright alright alright. God." He said as he walked over to the table that Reese was sitting at and sat down next to him.

"I apologize for the inconvienence of Miles being the first person you meet from this school. What's your name?" He asked as the class laughed.

"Cassidy Brothers." I said.

"Well Cassidy, welcome to the home of the Bears. We have an uneven amount of people until now so Jessica, it looks like you have a new lab partner. You can go sit next to Jessica." He said, pointing to the table in the back next to the windows.

I looked up and saw the girl I had seen kissing one of the soccer players at the game the other day. Reese's ex-girlfriend.

I walked to the back of the room and sat down next to her. She wouldn't look me in the eyes and I knew why. She saw Reese and I walking past her. She knew. And I was perfectly okay with that.

"You can just listen for now. See me after school and I can brief you on what we've gone over so far." The teacher said. I just nodded and pulled out a blank notebook to pretend that I was writing down notes.

I sat through the class, listening to the stuff that I already knew and just doodled into my notebook. When the bell rang, indicating that the class was over, I stood up and walked out of the room only to be pulled aside by Reese.

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