Chapter 3

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"Brooklyn how could you be so careless?" My dad was yelling at me. I had gotten home and immediately called in to Mr. Gregory to tell him the job was done. I had to tell him about Reese because he interfered with the mission.

He assured me that nothing would happen to Reese and he was proud that I had acted so cooly under pressure. But, my dad overheard. And he wasn't happy

"I didn't do anything wrong! Why are you yelling at me?" I exclaimed to him, shooting up from my seat.

"I'm yelling at you because you should have been smarter! Why weren't you paying attention? I thought I trained you better than this." He muttered the last sentence under his breath, hoping I wouldn't hear but coming up unsuccessful.

"You didn't train me. Mr. Gregory trained me. He just happened to train you as well which for some reason makes you think that you trained me." I said to him.

"Whether I trained you or not doesn't matter! You shouldn't have come in to contact with anyone! What did Mr. Gregory have to say about this?" He asked me.

"Mr. Gregory told me that he was proud at how cooly I acted under that much pressure and it was very impressive. He also said that he wants me to start giving others lessons since I'm the best he has." I added quietly, hoping that it would make him happy. But that was really just a pipe dream.

Dad was never satisfied with me. Everything that I do, there's always something that I could do better. Nothing is ever enough, "Well, as long as he isn't upset. but you should still take a couple of training sessions on lying." He added and I sighed. Of course.

"Alright. can I leave now?" I asked him and he nodded.

I began walking up the spiral staircase in our apartment when he called my name, "Brooklyn," I turned around to look at him, "You should probably start those lessons first thing so another thing like that doesn't happen." He said. I sighed and turned around to finish walking back up the stairs.

I went into my bedroom and immediately took a shower. Once I had finished I sat on my bed and read some of a book before I went to sleep, still smiling to myself about Reese.


The next day went by like a turtle crossing the street. Eternity. I just couldn't wait to meet Cassidy again. She had said that she was homeschooled so I didn't bother looking for her in school.

"Dude, why are you in such a good mood?" My best friend, Miles asked me. Had I been acting different? I didn't notice.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just, happy." I said with a shrug.

"No there's something up and I want you to tell me what it is." He said as we began walking to math class.

I didn't say anything as we walked. 

"Dude, you have to tell me. I'm your best friend." He said.

I sighed. He was right and he knew it. There was no getting out of this one, "Alright, I met a girl last night." I said

"Really? Who? Does she go here? Do I know her?" He started shooting questions at me.

"No, you don't know her and she doesn't go to school here." I said as we sat down in our seats.

"Okay, but who is she?" He asked.

"Her name's Cassidy and she's sixteen. She has this kind of reddish hair and these hazel eyes. She's wicked pretty and really cool." I said, her face appearing in my mind as I described her.

"Cool, how did you meet?" He asked me.

"Ummmm... we...ran into each other on the street." I said slowly, not completely truthful, but not lying, either.

"Okay how did you really meet? I know you're not telling me everything." He said with a roll of his eyes.

"I am telling you everything." I said defensively.

"No you're not. You're lying. You never look me in the eyes when you're lying and you play with your hands." He said .

"Alright, she was turning a corner as I was walking and we ran into each other...literally." I admitted, facing defeat.

He laughed loudly, making many people who were filtering into the room glance over at us. I saw Jessie smile at me and wave as she down in her seat on the other side of Miles. I sighed and looked at my desk, I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't want to look at her. I just wanted to get through the day so I could go and meet Cassidy at the diner later.

And that thought is pretty much what got me through the day. I know it sounds really cheesy but it's true. Miles continued to interrogate me throughout the day and ended up finding out about Cassidy and mine's meeting. Even though I told him he couldn't come, I knew we'd be seeing some of him later.

As soon as the bell that signaled the end of the day went off I was at my locker and out the door before everyone else. I wanted to get to the diner as soon as possible so Miles couldn't follow me.

When I got to the diner Cassidy was already sitting on the stone wall outside, playing on her phone. She looked up and smiled when she saw me walking towards her, She stood up and opened her mouth to say something but before she could I grabbed her arm and dragged us inside.

Once we were inside and sitting at a table away from the windows she spoke, "Okay, fist, ow. Are you trying to rip my arm off? And second, why did you do that?" She asked as she rubbed where I had grabbed her arm and I immediately felt bad for doing it.

"Sorry, my friend found out about this and I didn't want him to see us because he's not shy and he will try and join us if he figures out which diner we're at." I said and she smiled slightly.

"Well in that case, you're forgiven." She said and I laughed. She had her red hair pulled up into a ponytail and she wasn't wearing clothes that were as...mature as last night. Only a shirt with black leggings and brown boots with the same black leather jacket as the night before. It looked nice.

"Why thank you." I said as the waitress walked over to take our orders. Once we had ordered We sat and talked even more, just picking up where we had left off from the night before.

As the waitress handed us our food I heard the door to the diner open and groaned when I saw who had just walked in. How had he found us?

All Cassidy did was laugh, "I take it this is your friend?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and I nodded as Miles slid into the booth next to me. And he wasbn't alone. He had brought our other friend Mason.

"Are you Cassidy?" Miles asked as Mason slid in next to her.

"Nope. The Queen of England, sorry." She said as she took a bite of a french fry.

"Hahaha, very funny." Miles said, annoyed whereas I was trying my hardest not to laugh.

"But I do think that there's a very strong resemblence, don't you?" She asked with a smile. This got Miles smiling. He looked at me an nodded, as if giving his approval.

We all talked for a bit while Cassidy and I finished our food. Once we had finished and paid we decided to go to the school soccer game that started soon to hang out.

Miles and Mason walked ahead as Cassidy and I walked behind them. As we walked our shoulders brushed and my hand actually hit hers by accident. I slightly panicked and looked over to see that Cassidy was looking up at me with an amused smile.

"You know, if you want to hold my hand all you have to do is ask." She said and I smiled slightly and kept walking. I felt her hand connect with mine and she laced our fingers together. All I did was look forward and smile as we walked.

We kept our hands together when we got to the school fields and bought our tickets. Miles looked back at us, saw our hands together, and dragged Mason away with a smile.

We found a seat on the already filled bleachers and when we sat down our hands pulled apart. I smiled to myself.

This was off to a great start.

A/N: I updated! Sorry it took so long to update, I've been really busy with soccer and a lot of my other works. But soccer is over now and I have more time to write! Don't forget to... VOTE...COMMENT...AND...FOLLOW!!!! Please! ;) Question: What do you think about Reese and Brook..I mean Cassidy?

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