Chapter 4

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I'm going to be honest and say that I didn't really pay attention to the game. The only thing I was really paying attention to was the feeling of Cassidy's hand in mine and her arm pressed against mine. The soccer game was about to start and I saw Jessie on the side line giving her new boyfriend a "good luck kiss". I felt myself tense.

Cassidy noticed this and looked in the same direction as I was looking, "That's you're ex, isn't it?" She whispered and I nodded.

"You don't have to talk about it." She said and I nodded, I wasn't ready. Not yet.

"Come on." I said standing up, beginning to make my way to the stairs attatched to the bleachers.

Since she was holding hands with me, she got pulled along as well, "Wha- where are we going?" She asked as we went down the stairs.

"Somewhere." I answered before pulling her onto the track.

We walked past Jessie (totally intentionally, might I add) and I saw her pull away and stare after us. We kept walking until we came to a stop at the playground behind the school.

The school system had all of the soccer and football games at the middle school since that's where the fields are. And the middle school used to be the elementary school before they built a new one down the street and no one bothered to take out the playground so it's still there and people from the school usually go there and hang out after school or, during a sporting event when they don't want to watch it anymore.

"This is so nice." She whispered and I smiled.

"No one's here yet. I thought that I should show you my favorite place in the school." I said and she laughed.

"When you say that this is your favorite place in the whole school that tells me a lot of things." She said and I laughed.

"Come on." I said and pulled her to the swings. I sat down in one and she moved to sit down in the other but I pulled her into my lap. I don't know why I did it, but I knew that I wanted to.

"Even though I just met you I feel like I've known you longer than anyone else." I whispered into her ear as she got comfortable in my lap.

"I feel the same way." She whispered back and I smiled.

"Go out with me." I said and she let her eyes fall on mine as she gave me a quizzical look.

"What?" She asked me.

"Be my girlfriend." I whispered and she smiled.

"Okay." She said and I smiled.

She turned in my lap so that she was straddling me. I put my hands on her hips and she leaned down, pausing quickly before pressing her lips to mine.

I knew that this was right. That this belonged. When she pulled away she looked down at me, a smile on her face, "This is perfect." She whispered and I smiled.

"Yes it is. I think we should stay here for a little while." I said and she laughed lightly.

"Okay. I won't aruge." She said, kissing me again.

So we sat like that for about fifteen minutes, stealing kisses from each other. Then we decided to get up and go back to the bleachers because we saw people walking over.

We sat down on the bleachers, holding hands. I saw Jessie sitting a little further down, glancing at us every few seconds. I smiled to myself. Today was a good day. I got a girlfriend, and my ex is jealous.

Then MIles walked over, "Hey peeps, what up? Enjoying the game? Oh, that's right you don't even know what's going on because you've been at the swings for the last twenty minutes making out!" He hissed at us and Cassidy laughed.

'I think that Miles is a little jealous that he doesn't have a girlfriend." She said and he looked at her, his eyes wide.

He held a hand to his chest in a manner that made it look like he was hurt by those words, "Meee, jealous? Now why would you think that?" He said sarcastically and I laughed.

"Sorry man. But hey, maybe Cassidy has some friends that she can introduce you to who don't know anything about you." I said, clapping his shoulder.

He looked at Cassidy with hopeful eyes, "Yeah, do you know- wait, what did you mean by that?" He asked, snapping his head towards me.

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head.

"Sorry Miles. I don't really know anyone. I've been homeschooled my entire life. I don't have many friends." She said with a shrug.

"Well you got us now." MIles said, climbing in between us and throwing his arms around our shoulders.

"Hey, you should try and talk to your parents and get them to let you transfer to our high school." Miles said and I smiled.

She looked at me and I nodded, "It's just me and my dad. I can talk to him but I don't know if he'll go for it." She said.

"It can't hurt to try. The worst he can do is say no." I said with a shrug.

She smiled, "Sure. I'll try." She said.

I smiled, this day couldn't get any better.

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