Chapter 10

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"I'm sorry, did you just say 'Ex-boyfriend'?" Reese asked, looking upset.

I wasn't sure where we were in our relationship at that point, but I was pretty sure that he didn't like hearing the term 'ex-boyfriend' come up.

"Yeah. It was a few months ago but that's not really important right now," I turned to Jason, "you know my assignment?" I asked and he nodded.

"What happened?" He asked.

"They found us. Broke into the apartment could have followed us but I don't think they did." I said as he kept his face completely emotionless at the news. It didn't surprise me, that's what we were taught to do.

He nodded, "Well then we're just going to have to get you guys out of here, aren't we?" He asked.

He walked over to his desk and pulled out his computer, "I'm going to call a car from the agency to come and pick you up. They'll be able to get you somewhere safe. Don't know how long but we can get them taken care of if all hands go on deck ASAP." He said as he began typing.

"We're going to have to talk to the families, give them a serum or come up with something. We don't want them to be in the picture at all." I said as I moved next to him.

"Hang on a second!" Miles yelled out and We looked up at him.

He was holding his hands up, both him and Reese looking very confused, "Don't we get a say?" He asked, pointing back and forth from himself to Reese.

"No." Jason and I both said at the same time before looking back down to the computer screen.

"Stop!" Reese yelled.

The firmness of his voice made me look up at him as Jason continued his typing.

I looked into his eyes and saw how scared he really was, "Jason stop." I said softly, grabbing his arm and making him look up.

"What happens now?" He asked quietly, his voice cracking at the end.

It was then that I realized how terrifying this all must have been for him and Miles. They had never gone through things like this. It was all new. And it was scary.

I walked over and grabbed his hand. He accepted it as I squeezed it, "Some people that I work with are going to come and pick us up. Then we're going to go somewhere where those men won't be able to find us. Don't worry about your families. Both of them will be put under the highest-level security we can give." I answered.

He simply nodded, "Okay. Let's go." He said quietly.

"This is so cool! We're like the FBI's most wanted and we need to go into hiding! It's like the Witness Protection Program!"  Miles exclaimed, talking a mile a minute. 

Jason smiled, "Yeah, something like that," he said as he closed his laptop, "they're on their way. Just hang tight and don't walk near any windows." He said.

"I know protocol, thank you." I said as I hoped up on a stool.

The guy that Jason was working with was standing in the corner, smiling excitedly, "So this is what you do? I know you've told me about it but I've never actually gotten to see it first hand." He said.

"Well, be glad you haven't had to see it first hand. It's not something you want to see." I said quietly before looking away.

We sat quietly while we waited for the men to come for us. Reese was sitting on my left, looking at his hands and Miles was on my right, jumping up and down in his seat.

"Are we going to fight more bad guys?" He asked me.

"Let's hope not." I said.

"Why? You went all Jackie Chan on that guy in the museum! It was awesome!" He exclaimed. I laughed in spite of myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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