Part 1 | Three years

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     Life can take many different routes and most people just accept it. Frisk was 10 years old when he didn't want to keep going on the route of his life. He didn't have anything special, just a burning drive to survive and stay alive. Was his parents the best? Well, he never knew. His parents were gone before he could remember them, he didn't need to know them anyway. It all changed when he fell that fateful day.

     His entire journey shaped who he was but also made him realize a lesson that most people never learn.

     Frisk had to admit that when he learned about his consequence that seemed to leak into other timelines, he redid everything twice. Erased everything and made anew. No one remembered but everytime he looked some of them in the eyes, he could only see the pitiful sight of them.

     On the surface, he had turned into a wonderful person. Good grades, athletic, leadership, and even became slightly more attractive than average. It was good enough for him, however fated wanted to change. It will always change, no matter who tried to stop it. Guilt and shame can go away but the feeling of his self loathing would never go away.

     After unpacking the last box in Alphys's lab he noticed that she had recorded his adventures from the cameras she used. "Oh! Those are good memories. Besides I could make a copy for you!" she stuttered with a grin. Frisk grinned back and stared at the usb, "I'd like that. You can give it to me later. I gotta help Undyne tomorrow with cooking and Papyrus wants to show me something today."

     "Alright! Well I can handle organizing this place so don't worry about me," she said while picking up her cardboard cutout of Mew Mew. She still keeps that? Frisk walked out the door and the sight of monsters and humans made him giddy. A boy ran past him bumping his shoulder and the girl following him didn't seem to bat an eye. Despite becoming ambassador, Frisk didn't really want to hang out with humans in general.

     "Frisk, come on. I have my reasons for my grudge on humanity. What's yours?" Chara asked while floating around Frisk. Frisk waved his arms up and Chara snickered at his attempt to shoo him away. "Really think that'd work? After everything that's happened, you'd rather trust monsterkind over humanity. You know my reason already, so as the ghost that haunts you. I'll find a way to get you to tell me."

     Chara sort of just vanished but he was older, well appearance wise he was older not just because he was dead. The wind was indecisive on being strong and weak only for Frisk to hear, "Frisk! There you are! You're right on time, for I the Great Papyrus have begun the first step of the plan!" a loud and cheery skeleton said. Frisk turned to the right and smiled, seeing the cheery skeleton. "Good morning Papyrus. Where's your brother?"

      "Sans? That lazy bone is off sleeping somewhere or actually doing his job. I don't actually know," Papyrus continued on guessing what his brother might've been doing. Frisk helped with moving his tupperware of spaghetti to the new jumbo size fridge they bought. "Anyway, what did you want to show me, Pap?" Papyrus smiled, "That's right tiny Frisk! I have a new friend. Up in my room!"

     New friend? That's new. Papyrus was a fun skeleton guy, it's just his personality kind of rubs people the wrong way. Except for Monster Kid apparently, who basically admires the guy. Following the hyper skeleton Frisk realized the pair of shoes at the door. "Hey Papyrus, who did you make friends with?"

      Once Papyrus jumped into the room he let out a loud shout, "Human! I,the Great Papyrus, have returned!" Human?

     Frisk looked to see a young girl staring at the giant pirate flag. Papyrus!!! Frisk was a little panicked, did Papyrus ask her parents if she could stay over, probably not considering that the entire monster town was on a lockdown right now!

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