Part 6 | Trust

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Alina turned away when she heard their footsteps. Frisk stared at the girl as her hair covered her face and other expressions of sadness. "Are you alright enough to eat tiny human?" Papyrus asked while crouching down. Alina nodded while holding her hand out. Her face was hidden behind her dark brown hair that could've been mistaken for black if it wasn't sunny. Frisk then asked a question, "What was your childhood like?"

Papyrus felt the tension in the air, "Well, I the Great Papyrus shall help the other human with cleaning! Good bye!" A jump and roll away, suddenly Papyrus was gone. The comedic moment allowed a small moment of relaxing for Alina. However Frisk pursued, "What was your childhood like?" His voice was a little harsher than expected which caused him to act more gently in return. "I can't speak," she said softly.

Frisk knew what she was trying to do, "Look, you can speak. Don't worry about it. Just tell me about your childhood." Hesitantly, she answered, "I had a good childhood. A nice family, friends, and well being. I had good grades and was the oldest sibling. I have a good life." It was brief but it reminded him of her.

"Are you lying to me?" he questioned. "Not really. I did have a good life. I do have a nice mom and dad, grandma, grandpa. You name it. It's just I don't have a right to complain."

"No right to complain?"

"They always told me to smile. I have no reason to cry, I have a loving mom who raised me, I have a grandma who made food for us, a silly grandpa, caring uncles and aunt. Annoying but loving siblings. A dad who came back just for us. I got it better than some. Why should I cry? Why should I complain? Why am I ...."

She stopped mid sentence. It was the sentence the girl said long ago. "Why are you such a disappointment?" Frisk completed. Alina's arms tensed up, "You know I said this in a dream once. I remember seeing a boy. He made me do terrible things. I woke up but it was strange. The night before, I had the best dream of my life. With the exact same monsters that appeared on TV."

Frisk looked at the girl with wide eyes. "What did the boy look like?" Frisk had changed clothes after getting on the surface. After all, ever since they got to the surface. It had been a couple of years. "He wore a blue sweater with two purple or probably pink stripes." Frisk had still worn blue and purple but now he wears a jacket with a purple hood. "His eyes were constantly red, and his skin was a pale yellow." Frisk's skin was still a tint of yellow but it was more warmer like an actual skin color.. His eyes hadn't glowed red since they escaped.

"His voice was cold and demanding." Frisk hadn't done a genocide route in a long time so his voice stayed consistent of just distant and confident. "His touch was gentle but I think I knew he was lying to me about certain things." That part was actually true.

A part of Frisk really hoped it was that girl but at the same time. He really hoped that this was just coincidence so he wouldn't have to face the consequences for his actions. He could face the others but that girl. Her pain was from his curiosity. Everyone's pain and lack of justice in that one timeline. Was because of him.

"I'm kind of happy it wasn't real. Even if I got to have the friend I wanted. It wouldn't have been healthy," she admitted. After talking, she seemed to be more calm. Her breathing was more consistent and less jittery. "You know what's funny?"

A quick glance at Alina her smile was forced. "I feel like you're a better version of him."

For a second, Frisk felt a pain in his heart and realization. He was still the same person all that time. For years, he knew that he hadn't changed. He's still doing things out of curiosity, he still causes pain to people. Once in a while he'd slip up, just like before. When his stubbornness hurt her feelings. Although, was it really that bad? He just didn't want her pity.

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