Part 4 | Remember

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"Alright I need you to take this notebook now," Frisk said to the girl. "Frisk, I don't want to keep doing this," the girl said while taking the notebook from the dusty shop. "Listen, we need to do this okay?" She holds onto the notebook tightly, "What if I die?"

"You won't, not as long as I'm here," Frisk responded sternly. He sounded exhausted, his tone wasn't as confident but rather. It was like he had been playing a game for hours on end and just trying to pass one level that he's been stuck on.

"Stay right here. I'll be back." Frisk walked away as she stared at the notebook in her hand. Walking back he looked at a curious flower. "So having another do your dirty work. It's not a bad strategy, however that leaves you defenseless to the smiley trashbag."

"Flowey, I never did anything to harm those people. I simply help the killer. Most of the sin is on her shoulders. Not my own. Besides, I'd like to see Sans react to that."

They both part and Frisk finds Alina crying. "I just want to go home," she said silently. Frisk patted her head, "Just do as I say."

Frisk woke up to the sight of the sky slowly moving. "Tiny humans! What else do you do?" Papyrus said, carrying a random conversation that seemed to have been happening. Frisk struggled a bit, "Why am I up here?!" Oliver answered, "You were lost in thought then you fell asleep in the middle of a step. I caught you and Papyrus decided to carry you."

"You could've just woken me up," Frisk said while jumping out of Papyrus hold. Alina looked away, "You were the one that got them to carry did you." Alina quietly answer, "I did."

Frisk felt himself get frustrated, "I would've been fine if you woke me up." Alina didn't answer but rather just kept walking. Her pace quickened with each step. When Frisk tried to catch up, she picked up the pace. Before he could say anything else, he noticed drops of water falling. After a second or two, he realized that it was tears. Her breathing was deep and swift, as if she was holding something back. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

Oliver then picked up the pace and said, "Look, we'll have lunch now. I know it's a bit early but it's good to stay full." He took out some leftover spaghetti from Papyrus's bag. Oliver was obviously trying to defuse the situation. Papyrus was silent for once, which Frisk knew was possible. It was just unnatural to see him this way.

Once they stopped, Alina said, "I gotta do something out there. Don't follow me." She walked out of sight but it was clear she wasn't too far out. Flowey was still asleep from the night before. Frisk decided to place the flower and it's pot on the ground. "Do you think she's okay?" Oliver asked. Frisk didn't answer, he didn't want to answer. Everyone knew the answer to that, well everyone but... "Alright where are we? I thought you'd still be walking. It's not even noon," Flowey said while slowly going into the ground from his pot.

Papyrus then said, "Ah yes! The talking flower!" Papyrus handed Flowey the spaghetti they made the night before. However, Flowey didn't know that Oliver had remade the pasta. "I'm not taking that death trap!" Oliver looked at the spaghetti. "I stored it correctly, it should still be okay but if you don't want it then that's okay," Oliver said. When he smiled at Flowey, "Alright. Give it to me." Flowey tasted a bit and...

"This is amazing!" He looked up to see Oliver still smiling but crouching to see him. "I mean. It's not terrible. Could be a little less seasoned. This is pasta not a steak," Flowey hesitantly complained. Oliver got up and reached into the backpack Papyrus held and said, "Well there should be enough food for all of us." Papyrus happily exclaimed, "And I the Great Papyrus shall practice my cooking with the second human!" Frisk listened to their conversation and just sat on the ground. His legs were still burning, it was so strange. He knew of pain but why hadn't he pushed through like usual. What has changed?

The only thing that had changed from back then was, how he gave up the use of his ability to reset and the fact he was around two other humans. Either way, one was supposed to be permanent while the other is only situational. Once he takes those two back, maybe things will go back to normal.

"I wonder how the tiny human is," Papyrus commented while he ate his spaghetti. Oliver responded, "I'm sure she's okay but I could go check on her if you want." Alina was crying, it was clear to everyone. Frisk knew it, Papyrus knew it, and Oliver knew it. Flowey probably knew but he was too busy eating to care. "Well, I shall bring the tiny human some food so they shall be ready when we need to leave!" Papyrus said enthusiastically. As he got up Frisk walked with him. Frisk had to see how she'd react to anyone seeing her cry.

After all, the young girl from before. She only argued once but he clearly remembers her defiance. 

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