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ONCE UPON A TIME in a land called La La – Manhattan, there lived a young girl called Rose Hayward.

Don’t all fairytales start like this? Well guess what, mine didn’t. In my fairytale, I was told by my father that I was getting married to one of his business partner’s son. In a week. You won’t believe how shocked I was with that news. I only just turned 18 and he wants to get rid of me so soon. I’m still in high school for gods sake!

“But father-“

“No! You are getting married next week and I have no time to argue. Either you can plan your wedding or I will” My father snapped. My father, Mr. Frank Hayward. The business man of Hayward industries. We were standing in his study while he told me the news and along with my future husband. Liam Richards.

I looked at Liam. He was handsome with green eyes and brown hair, he was very handsome no doubt but he was an ass as well. All he cares about is his wealth and health and beauty. I also know he’s marrying me for my wealth. Yeah right, like I will give him anything, but that doesn’t mean I have to marry this ass faced person.

How will my friends react when they will find out about this? They will probably laugh at me. Of course they will, I have such bad luck. I’ve had bad luck since childhood. I think I have an evil witch in my life that ruins everything every time. I think all of this is happening because I had once dropped the magic wand of my grandmother Mallory. She had told me about the bad luck if anyone dropped the wand. Now my bad luck is working badly.

Dear lord. Please send me an angel or maybe a fairy godmother. If that’s possible.

You see, ever since my mother-the queen of my story- died, my father-the king of my story- started to ignore me, he treated me like I didn’t exist and blamed me for mother’s death. As for me, I’m the helpless princess who’s forced to marry the looser. In my fairytale there’s no prince charming coming to rescue me from my cruel father instead I’m going to have to find my prince charming myself.

“Liam” I said looking at him “Would you give us a moment, please.” It wasn’t a request. It was a statement and he better obey.

He tried to give his sexy smile which obviously didn’t work on me. In fact I felt disgusted. “Sure, I’ll be right outside” He winked at me before leaving the room. Gag! That asshole! How dare he wink at me!

My father got up and stood by the window giving me his back. “I know what you want to talk about but you should also know that my decision is made.” He said sternly. Did he not love me even a little bit to understand me? What happened to the guy who called me his princess? What happened to the guy who would give anything to keep me happy?

I blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. It wasn’t the right time or place to cry. Especially not in front of my father. “Is that how much you hate me?” my voice trembled. That had probably caught my father’s attention because he turned around and looked at me.

“You hate me so much that to get rid of me, your marrying me to that looser.” I asked. I gulped down the thickness in my throat. I couldn’t believe my own father was doing something like this to me.

He didn’t answer, instead he turned back to look out of the window. “I’m doing this for you best. The sooner you accept it, the better.” His voice sounded monotone.

That pissed me off. Instead of answering me, he tells me to accept it. Fine, if he wants to get rid of me, then it will be my way. “Fine, I accept it, but…”

He turned back around “But what?” he asked

“I will marry but…I will choose my husband” I said. It was fair to find my own husband. But the real question was who will marry me at such young age?

He glared at me “No, I have already told Liam about this marriage” He said strictly

I glared back at him. “Then you can tell him back about not being my husband” I snapped

“It’s this or I will leave and I promise you father I will never return”

He stared at me for a while. For a minute I thought I saw fear but I guess I was wrong when he masked away his emotions like always. “Fine. You have two weeks to find your husband. In two weeks if you don’t find your groom, then you will marry Liam. Is that a deal, Ms. Hayward?” My father said. Wow my dad was actually taking this as a challenge. Well he should know that I am my father’s daughter and I never back out.

I kept my expressions cool when I gazed at him. “That’s definitely a deal, Mr. Hayward.” I told him.

He gave me a nod and I turned around to leave but not before noticing a small smile on my father’s face. Oh he found this amusing did he? Well I’ll show him what amusement is. He wanted to get rid of me. He doesn’t have to because I’ll get rid of me myself.

I’ll find myself a husband so amusing that my father would be delighted. I’ll find my prince charming and then I’ll show my father who he messed with because this is not just my fairytale, it’s my prince’s story too and I know just the person for this position.

Boy’s and Girl’s Welcome to my Bad Boy’s Fairytale.


Ok that’s the prologue. The first chapter will be up soon. I hope you like this.

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