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* Sorry about the first part, I know it was kind of long and maybe boring, but that all will be good info to know throughout the story. It'll get better! Thanks for reading :) *

I swallowed whatever was stuck in my throat, because I could not speak. The most popular guy at school currently is my 'co-worker?'

No way.... No waayyy! That's unreal.... Wait, why didn't I put two and two together? New kid to town working here... Duh!


"Oh, th... That's good. Welcome"

Did I just say welcome? I sound so stupid, I need to think.

"Thanks," He smiled. My heart started racing."What's this little guys name?"

Harley was scratching at the fence to see the new visitor, whining and panting.

"Harley," I smiled, picking him up and hanging him over. "He's my favorite."

There we go! Some real and thoughtful words. More!!

"Awww, he's the cutest thing. Why don't you take him in?"

"Can't afford it right now. But soon, my mom said so."

I finally got my head out of the gutter, and started talking properlly. When we went inside, I actually got a close up of his face. Wow, he was.... Perfect looking. His eyes were a dark brown, like nothing I've seen before, his face clear and his lips so red. His hair swerved perfectly to my right and his eyes gleamed.

"So how come I don't see you around school much? I know I've seen your face, but not as much as everyone elses."

I closed Harley up in his cage and instead of whining, he plopped down and closed his eyes. Wait, did George just ask me that?

"Oh, uh... I don't know. We only have one class together. Science? I think.. But your all I ever hear about."

He chuckled.

"I know, I'm all I ever hear about. Sorry... You don't like hearing about me? Bella...?"

How do I answer this... Think wisely, Bella, think wisely. Let out a fake laugh....

"Haha, well... Let's just say your name echoes in my head a lot. I hear a lot about you, George. Is it true..... You and Emma?"

He looked at the ceiling, smiling that boy smile. "Not. At. All."

My heart started beating fast when he came closer. "Can I tell you a secret, Ms. Jaynee?"

He knew my full name?! Woahhh, that's a lot to take in... His voice is so hot!

"Mhm," i mumbled ..... He came closer, and closer, until his lips were near my ear.

"I don't like prepy-girls."  He backed up.

"Why? Emma is supposed to be the most perfect girl in school.So they say...."

His eyes stared into mine. "She's not my type. She may be. Perfect.... But it's kindess that get's to me. She has a cold heart. All she does is follow me around and talk to me like we're dating, like the world revolves around her. It's disgusting. I would like a smart, funny girl with a big heart. That's all."

His dark eyes gave me goosebumps, my heart raced, and my stomach fluttered everytime he blinked.

"I.. I .... I understand. She's... Snotty..."

"Yeah.. Anyway, I'm gonna get to work here. They just wanted me to meet up with you. Could you help?"

"Of course!"

The rest of the day felt like a dream. Spending it with George Reltum, the popular and cute guy at my school. I'm lucky....


Summer came quick. Probably because I had the oppurtunity to work with such an amazing guy. George... I fell for him, yes. But I never told or will tell him. His personality is beyond fantastic, and he has the body of a god. Hearing his name never got old.

Girls at school never really stopped talking about him, but it didn't matter anymore. He turned every single one down. Well not all, but the ones who followed and made rumors.

He talked to me in the hallways and girls would always ask how I knew him. I'd tell them work, but not the exact place.

Life was good. It couldn't get any better.

"Hey, Bella!" George smiled as I walked in the kennels room. The summer was a hot time, so George and I came in much more, especially since school was done. We'd gotten closer over time. We've been to eachothers house and went to 8th grade graduation together in the same car.

GIrls were so jelous, I'd almost gotten into a couple fights. But thankfully, teachers and staff at school wouldn't let them happen.

After working, George and I sat down with some cold lemonade my aunt made in the air conditioning.

"So Bella...."

"So George..."

He laughed.

"I wanted to ask you... Uhm... Would you wanna go to the movies with me tonight? I know it's late notice but ..... But I .. I didn't wanna go alone."

"Of course, Georgey!"

That happened so quick, I didn't even see it coming! That night, I flattened my curly, long, brown hair and put on my cutest clothes. A blouse that said LOVE on it and some ripped jeans with my favorite boots. My mom said I could go, but she was a bit tired from work... Whatever, I'm going.

George and his dad were waiting in their truck.

"Hello, Ms. Bella Jaynee. How are we today?" Mr. Reltum asked.

"I'm fine, thank you."

The movie theatre was packed, and George insisted on sitting in the middle.

Mr. Reltum left us there with $100 in case we wanted to go eat, since there were resteraunts around.

"Where do you wanna eat?" George asked as we made our way out of the theatre.

"It doesn't matter" I said kindly.

WOAH! What was that?! I look down at my hand, which has another hand wrapped around it.... He's holding my hand...

I blushed hardcore, my stomach doing flips. He smiled at me, his gorgeous eyes making me feel like fainting.

I smiled back, or at least attempted to.

"Bella, I really like you," He said, staring at the ground as we walked .

You like me... He likes me.. I think all the blood in my body made it's way to my cheeks. By now, there were bats in my stomach.

"Your beautiful, and different. You care about animals more than yourself, you'd take a bullet for Harley. Your so sweet and cute, and I love everything about you. Since the first day I'd seen you in school, I felt a connection. You were the only girl not trying to get with me. You weren't conceited and annoying. To this day, I've always wanted you to be mine. I just get nervous around you, and I don't know how to tell you..."

I gulped. What do I say...?

"I like.... I - I like you too," I swallowed. "Since-... The.. F- first day I met you."

He looked at me with this smile, like a fat boy in a candy shop. He did that head move boys do with long hair, and smiled the entire way to the resteraunt.


Before I got out the truck to go home, he kissed my cheek softly.

"Goodnight Bella. I'll text you."

Oh my, I'm in love....

Young & In Love : Till Death Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now