Standing My Ground

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"Hey Beautiful," someone caressed my hips and kissed my cheek. George!

I turned around and kissed his soft lips. We had lunch together again 9th grade year, thankfullly. We always sit together along with Deedra, Jeremy, and some of his and our friends.

Since the fight and learning about George's past, I've been turned on by him even more. Call me stupid, call me crazy. Just stating the truth!

I sadly have no past or haven't ever been in a fight. But that would soon change!

We took our seats in the corner of the lunch room, where we usually sat.

"We have another football game Saturday," Joseph, George's friend, said. I was about to take a bite of a piece of bread when someone tapped my shoulder behind me.

I turned to see a tall, black haired girl with pale skin glaring at me with an evil look painted on her face.

"Your George Reltums girlfriend, Bella?" She asked with a snotty attitude.


George turned and placed his hand around me for protection, because this girl looked like she was searching for a fight. My face began to turn red as she just stood there, folding her arms.

Who was she? I believe she's an 11th grader who just started coming to our school a couple months ago.

"My cousin, Rena, says you took her man."

WHAT!? My heart began to race as I searched around for Rena, who I believe was in this lunch too. Rena is a short, blonde, pale 10th grader who's not to bright either. I spotted her staring at us, giggling with some friends at the table in the center of the lunch rom.

"No, she did not," George stepped in. "Tell Rena to solve her own problems and talk to me,not my girl. Bella didn't do sh*t."


"Nah, go away," Joseph on the other side of the table blurted out. "Rena's a punk, tell her to stop with her sh*t talking, and lose some weight."

"Yo," George gave them a look saying 'that's a no-no' as him and the others laughed.

"Shut the f*ck up, ain't no body talkin' to you, ugly c*nt," the big girl growled.

I twitched at her use of words.

Joseph cracked up again.

"Rena wanted me to ask you about it," she continued. "And I'm asking you about it. Why you datin' this boy? That ain't no fair to Rena."

This girl was so unintelligent and 'ghetto', it started to make me laugh inside and ease up. A lot of girls like George since the 8th grade when he arrived, why is Rena bringing it up now? And why does it matter? He's taken, and Rena should of confronted me herself. Many girls talked about me behind my back, but I ignored them and moved on. That's what George wanted me to do.

"We've been together since the 8th grade. Why is she asking now?" I gulped.

"Because! Rena really likes this boy! He all she talk about! And she sick of watching you two together, now I don't like seein' my baby-cuzzy sad over some damn boy. So I'ma tell you now, Bella, you need to make an offer wit me now or i'm beatin' your ass over every inch of this damn cafeteria"

I twitched once again. I wanted to eat and for her to go away.

"Get the f*ck out of here!" George stood up and yelled in her face. His face was red and I could feel his anger gathering up. My adrenalin was rushing like crazy, and I knew if I didn't stand up for myself, this problem would keep occuring. I had to stand up for myself, it was now or never.

The girl laughed in George's face, who I could tell wanted to hit her, but couldn't.

"Sit down, George, I can handle this," I said innocently, tugging at his knee-height shorts.

He looked down at me with a look that said 'My baby girl? I don't want you to get her.'

I nodded. Time to get crazy.

I stood up as George sat down and walked over to Rena, preparing myself the entire way there for the big girl to just grab my hair and beat the sh*t out of me.

I approached Rena with a mean look stuck on my face as her cousin came up behind me and stood by her cousins side.

"What, whore?" Rena asked, her three ratched friends laughing around the table.

"What the f*ck is your problem?"

Everyone in this general area looked at me like they could all split my head open with no problem.

"I don't like you obviously. I wanted Rebecca here to cut your face open and wash the floors with your blood. But I see that's not happening?"

"Oh, it will," Rebecca, the big girl, explained. "Someone is beatin' the sh*t out this little slut today or I am."

"Rena, why don't you confront me if you have a problem?"

I could feel everyone at my table staring at us.

"I don't want George to think I'm a bad person. He is mine, you know that, right?"

"Look, just f*ck this b*tch up now, Rena, or I will," Rebecca came closer to me, only an arm length away.

Rena stood up, her face next to mine. I could smell the nasty chicken she just ate, her breath reaked. My heart was pumping quick, loud and fast. Stand your ground, Bella, stand your ground.

"Punch me, B*tch!!" She yelled, gathering the entire cafeteria's attention. Oh joy! The two old staff members didn't notice, nor did the lunch ladies.

"Punch me!" She repeated.

"Your breath smells, back the f*ck up!" I yelled in return. Rebecca pushed her into me, and in an instant we were fighting.

Rena was swinging, her eyes closed. Her punches didn't phase me with my adrenalin running, so I just kept swinging back. I started punching harder and faster. I felt my hair getting tugged at, Rebecca was holding my hair! I accidently swung at Rebecca, who started swinging back at me.

"Stop!" I heard someone yell. I opened my eyes to see what was happening, and I was on the ground! Two girls were going hit for hit at me. A big 11th grader and a 10th grader. George was trying to get them both off, along with Joseph, Jeremy, some other guys and the aids of the cafeteria. The big girl was off, now for Rena. I saw blood, and immidiatley, I felt like I was gonna faint.

I started swinging harder at Rena, and I don't know how, but I pushed her off of me. Within a second, George was staring into my eyes. I closed them... Did that just happen?

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