Over timee!

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My 9th grade year had to be just to crazy. Fights, enemies, love, and loss of respect.

George's first football game was when it all started. We'd been dating for 6 months already and it seemed like we surprised each other more every time we hung out.

His gorgeous face made life bearable for me. Even after all the pain and the adventure we caused for each other.

"Introducing, the Black Panthers!"

The bleachers and the air were colder than i thought they'd be. Deedra sat next to me, her eyes stuck on her boyfriend, Jeremy, on the field, a 10th grade cutie.

"You know what it is! Everything i do, i do it big!"

That song by Wiz Khalifa, Black and Yellow, blared through the field and onto the audience.

Our football team ran onto the field, all of the boys jumping up and down for enthusiasm.

The game went by fast. 4th quarter already, and we'd received 35 points, including field goals, but it was a tie!

"20 seconds left in the game," the announcer said.

Goosebumps formed on my arms.

I saw George, number 37, on offense, getting in his position against a bigger guy.

"Set, HUT!"

George pushed the defense as far back as he could, allowing Tim McGarthy, running back, to run the ball straight by without even the closest touch from defense.

Tim was on the 20 yard line near the touchdown when he tripped, the ball fumbling near him.

"5 seconds."

"Go, TIM! Go go go!"

Tim jumped up in the knick of time and got us a touchdown. The game was over. We won!

I hugged George close when he came out.

"Good job baby."

"Thank you. Every move was for you. I'm quarterback next game."

"Congrats!" I smiled up and kissed his white lips.

"Great job, Bro," Jeremy and Deedra came towards us, holding hands.

"Thanks, Bro. You too."

George's happy smile made me feel tingly.

"Where's your dad?" I asked , my head stuck to his chest.

"With my sister, in a parent-teacher conference. He'll be here in about 20. I'm hungry."

"I have some money, Sweetheart. Want some chips and a drink?"

"Yes please Baby. I'll be over here with Jeremy and Dee."

They were sitting in the grass making-out. I smirked.

"One dollar for a little bag of chips. Pah!" I said to myself.

I kicked the machine in frustration.

"Woah, there, Tiger," an unfamiliar voice said behind me.

A tall, muscular boy from the opposing team stared at me with a smile.

I laughed.


"Don't apologize to me, apologize to the machine. Poor guy," he laughed. "I'm Luke. Luke Flemingwire."

"Bella Jaynee."

"Nice to meet you, Bella. Beautiful name."

"Thanks," i blushed.

Young & In Love : Till Death Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now