Chapter III

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(AN: I'm changing up Taiyang's character a tad bit. He snaps out of his depression a lot sooner and manages to help raise Ruby more earlier. Sorry if this upsets people.)

Location: Remnant, Island of Patch

Ruby Rose's 8th birthday

Yang PoV

  Today is a very special day! It is little Rube's 8th birthday! She personally stayed up late last night, crafting handmade invitations to hand out to her classmates today. We are currently setting up the kitchen with special decorations, notably red and black balloons. By "we", I really mean "me", since Uncle Qrow is out on a mission and won't be back until later tonight. Dad is ordering food to be delivered and making sure the cake is perfect. As I'm blowing up balloons, I hear Dad talking to me.

"Sweetie, can you give me a hand with this?"

I see Dad trying to make lettering, but his hands are too trembly....I think I know why.

This will be the fifth birthday Mom missed....

I still remember her funeral...



It was a rainy day on Patch.

(cliché I know, sue me :P)

Uncle Qrow and a few other Huntsmen went out to try and find Mom's body, but they turned up short. So we ended up burying an empty casket.

It was hard. We were told to try and keep our emotions in check, since Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, but it was too difficult. 

Ruby kept crying.

Dad was trembling, but showed no tears.

Uncle Qrow kept drinking... from his bottle?

The man who's name I later found out was Ozpin, was also in attendance.

There was also this one woman, she had blonde hair, not as bright as mine, and had a pair of glasses. I didn't know her name, but if she was friends with Mom or Dad, it was fine with me.

We kept the gathering small, since too much negative energy would've been too much.

Dad eventually spoke. 

"Thank you everyone for attending, I know this is small, but I wouldn't have had it any other way" Dad said with a hint of a smile, but I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Today, we honor the life of Summer Rose, mother, wife, huntress, team leader, but most importantly: a friend. She was someone you could confide to in anything. Sure, she might've not understood one hundred percent of what was being spoken of, but she did her darn best to put a smile on your face, even if she was in pain herself.

When I first attended Beacon, I at first, didn't see Summer as much: a naïve girl, a love for weapons and a sweet tooth to boot. But overtime, she got to me, as a leader, she pushed us to be our best. We didn't win the Vytal tournament in our 3rd year for nothing. *chuckle* I remember, this one time, we overslept on a day we had an important test to write.... S-Sum grabbed onto our mattresses, mine, Qrow's, and...her's.. and s-s..she pulled HARD and we all fell onto the ground... I was mad, but she had the goofiest looking smile on her face...I can still see it when I close my eyes.... *choking up* s-s-she was my better half... my only regret..? Not spending more time with her... I-I wish she were here right now... I-I-I-I'm sorry.."

Dad ran into his room, I could hear his sobs... poor Dad... 


About 10 minutes later, Dad walked out.

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