Chapter 2

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The next day came quickly, and I certainly felt nervous about it. My dad and I had arrived early, thankfully being greeted by an empty classroom. He directed me to just sit in my seat and wait for everyone to arrive before he introduced me to the class formally. 

"What do I even say?"

"Just introduce yourself," he said while crawling into his sleeping bag. The downside of being raised by Aizawa was that I learned his social skills, of which do not come in handy when trying to make friends. Thankfully, before I could go into full panic mode, Midnight threw open the door to classroom.

"Asami! Good morning beautiful!" she exclaimed while giving me a bear hug.

"Auntie, do you know how I should introduce myself to the class? This slug is no help," I complained.

"That's Mr. Aizawa on campus," he interjected, making me stick my tongue out at him.

"Oh! I am so glad you asked hunny! Just tell them about yourself, what you like to do, why you want to be a hero, things like that! And don't forget to bat those beautiful eyelashes of yours at any cute boys," she added, making me cringe. 

Is that even a thing? Do people actually bat their eyelashes at other people? What the fuck?

"Midnight, stop trying to turn her into you," Aizawa said while rolling his eyes. 

"Well someone has to teach her how to socialize since you have no idea how to," she retorted.

"Jesus, you guys really are an old married couple," I said staring at the both of them bickering. 

"Oh Asami! Don't insult me like that! We both know that I don't go for boys his age," she scolded, making me laugh in agreement. For a woman in her 30's, she already had the mindset of a cougar. Suddenly, she let out an ear piercing squeal, making both me and my dad jump. "You should let me fix your hair so you make a good first impression on all of the boys! Oh! This is so exciting! Quickly! Come along!" she exclaimed while dragging me by the wrist along to the the closest girls restroom. I attempted to reach out to Aizawa for help but he just rolled over in his sleeping bag to face the wall. Stupid slug man.

Once in the hallway, I saw the blonde boy again making his way to the classroom. He looked completely confused as to what was going on as Midnight continued to drag me down the hallway. 

I mouthed him a half serious "Help me" as I was dragged passed, only making his confusion increase ten fold as Midnight shoved me into the girl's bathroom. 

Out of thin air, Midnight whipped out a straightening iron and makeup bag. "Where the hell did those come from?" I asked, almost horrified at what she was going to do to me. 

"A lady always keeps beauty essentials with her at all times!"

"Great but where the hell were you keeping them?!"

"Oh, stop fussing. Now hold still, I only have 20 minutes to get you presentable!" she shushed, plugging in the straightening iron and plopping me down to sit on the floor. "Don't make me put you to sleep."

"Alright, alright! Do what you need to do!" I conceded. Somehow, she managed to straighten my hair and put winged eyeliner and mascara on me in 20 minutes. 

"And for the final touch and as a present to celebrate your first day as a UA student, I got you this hair clip," she said, holding out a gorgeous crimson red clip.

"Its so pretty, oh my god. Thank you so much," I said, giving her a huge hug. 

"Anything for my little Asami," she said while patting my head. Nemuri was definitely a motherly figure to me. Aizawa always handed me over to her whenever I was having 'girl problems' like learning how to braid my hair or going shopping since he had no idea how to deal with it, causing us to become extremely close. He has learned a lot with time, but those things were always more fun to do with Nemuri anyway, to which he had no complaints about. "Now let's get you back to the classroom!" she cheered, dragging me back to class. We paused outside the classroom for a second and she put her hands on my shoulders to look me in the eyes. "Just be yourself. I know you're nervous but they will have no reason not to love you," she said softly, placing the clip into my hair. I felt my nerves calm down a bit and nodded with a smile, leading her to knock on the door.

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