Spontaneous = performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse

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Spontaneous = performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus

L/n = Last name
Y/n = Your name

An unsuspecting y/n was sitting on the bleachers observing the Seirin Basket ball team as a wild Kuroko sat next to her without anyone knowing.

 "Hi" this small action caused y/n to scream in fear, which also caused everyone else around her asking what's wrong, then they saw Kuroko and screamed themselves. 'When did he get there' you wondered. "IT'S CAPTAINS GHOST, HE'S GOING TO GET US" and "I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE" were all the screams of the Sayako bicycle team. "Sorry about that, that's Kuroko" a young lady with short brown hair said, "I'm Aida the Coach of the Seirin high basketball team." she said introducing her self. She took out her hand for you to shake, you gladly shook it, amused by the new event that took place in your boring life. You looked towards Kuroko making sure he really isn't a ghost, he looked back at you, "hi" he said again, "hi, how are you" 
"I'm good you" 
"I'm good too, were you the dude that was at the cycling track" he nod his head yes, now you finally know who your ghost is, good thing too, you were probably going to go insane. The two of you just sat there as the two basketball teams were chatting, your team was glancing at Kuroko every now and then, trying to figure out how he just appeared there. "I'm telling you he's a ghost, why else would he just appear, see I'll prove it, I will poke him and my hand would go threw him." Chiyo explained to Hyro. She then approached Kuroko who was now staring at you, and poked his shoulder, this caught his attention and he turned to face her. "Guys, He's Not A Ghost." after hearing this everyone in your team surrounded him, complementing his appearance and talking about how cute he is and how they want to just squeeze his face. Most of the boys in both the basket ball team sulked at the attention Kuroko was having. "oh what I would give to be in his shoes" Kiama said, his hair was black and in a bun at the moment, he usually wear it out, and his skin was slightly tan. You annoyed by your team chose to stop the whole commotion "HEY I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU GUYS ABOUT SELF RESPECT, LINE UP WE'RE LEAVING, TEN LAPS AROUND THE TRACK" with that all the girls sigh and went to the field, Chiyo was complaining about how she didn't do anything, and you reminded her that she started it. Kuroko, wanting to watch you guys bike more informed couch Aida where he was going and followed you guys, actually he walked right next to you. "Okay guys when i blow my whistle begin" you blew it and they started, you were about to join them when you saw some blue in the corner of your eye, you kept your scream in and looked towards Kuroko. "man you have to stop sneaking up on people" 
"i was always next to you though" he said. This just made you embarrass for not noticing him.
"I saw you biking earlier, you were really fast." he complimented as the both of you sat on a bench, "thank you, it took me along time to get to the level I'm at now"
"you didn't seem like you were enjoying yourself." this surprised you, you were moving so fast how did he see your face. "Of course I was, I was just really focused" You don't know why you were lying, you just met the dude, but you felt like it was important that you become friends with him. He just hums in response, he knows she's lying because he saw that look on a friend before, but he kept it to himself. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence watching the cyclist go by.  "hey so what would you rate my biking skills, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest." you asked spontaneously. He looked at you and think. "an eight." an eight, you felt as though you deserve a nine. "you know, you really are something else ghosty boy" with that you left and went to join the others on the track. Something tells Kuroko he would be visiting this place more often. 

Why Scream At The Wind (Kuroko Tetsuya x fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now