'I was going to stay in my bedroom until the Seirin boys and girl leave, that was my simple plan, SO TELL ME WHY I'M CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR A BOY WHO IS LOST IN MY OWN HOME' you got a message from Kuroko earlier stating he's lost, his description was far from vague, all he said is that he saw a painting of the sky, if this was any normal home it would have been easy to find him, but this is your home, and you have a big home, mainly because your father was rich. 

Y/N: where are you again
:[ Kuroko: by a painting of a sky, and a vase 
Y/n: there are many sky paintings and vases
:[ Kuroko: oh
*:[ Kuroko is typing*

You saw a faint glow as you approached the area close to the indoor swimming pool. "i found you." you said as you placed your hand on him. He was staring at the painting of the sky, getting lost in it's craftmanship. "luckily you didn't go any further, you may have ended up in the pool room, and possibly walk in." you joked, he just looked at you confused. "never mind"  You said as you began to lead him to the guest room. "so why were you walking about." you asked "I was looking for the bathroom." 
"but there's a bathroom a bathroom in the quest room" hearing this he looked into the darkness in horror as if war flashbacks played in his head, "coach cooked, we told him not to eat it." he said in horror, it was slightly different from his normal voice. "it can't be that bad" he looked at you than looked ahead, feeling as though your life would be better if you don't learn of Aida's cooking. "hey Kuroko, you were amazing today" you simply complimented as if he didn't get a lot of your compliments earlier today. "thanks" he respond. "let's take a break from walking, it's a lot of work using crutches" you said as you pointed to a seat. "How did you disappear and stuff when you were passing" 
"I'm invisible" he said making jazz hands, he doesn't really know how to act right now because usually he's in the background or others are talking and he's just there listening. "invisible eh, then become invisible now" you joked. You blinked and he was gone, you looked around for him but you couldn't find him. "here I am" he whispered in your ear, the feeling of his breath on your neck made you jump as it send a pleasant shiver down your spine. "y-yup, you really can become invisible" you squeaked a blush creeping up on your face. In the dim lighting he couldn't properly see your face, so he thought nothing of your stutter and thought he accidentally surprised you. "I think that's enough for tonight, time to get you to bed." you said as Kuroko helped you up. "Remember my room is right next door, so if you need to go anywhere just come to me and I would help" you told him. You both finally reached his room, he opened the door and thanked you, you told him good night and went to bed. 

   That night you couldn't sleep, you were to busy squealing into your pillow because of that small interaction you two just had. 'Why did such a simple interaction made me completely freak out'  you squealed some more. By the time your were able to sleep it was probably 2:53 am, but before you went to bed in your sleep deprived mental state you texted him.

y/n: wanna stay back tomorrow and hang out, its a sautrt=day too0 so it will be fun

*:| Kuroko is typing* and with that you went to bed.

   The next day you woke up, completely forgetting about the text message you sent Kuroko. You went down stairs and saw the Seirin  students sitting by the dining table. There was an empty seat in front of Kuroko, who looks absolutely adorable with bed hair. Most of the team was tired, like some one dragged them out of bed while Aida looked content with life. Kiama was also there, probably to eat breakfast and sleep for the rest of the day. Breakfast with the Seirn high basketball team was... Interesting most of the conversations were like this.
Kiama: I'm sure if your team wasn't on steroids my team would win.
Kagami: Steroids my ass, our team one fairly, sir.
Kiama: Sure and I'm a stripper
Kagami: with that hairstyle you are

and then it lead to this famous line.

"FINE, LOSER HAS TO um" Kagami
"YEAH THAT" Kagami.

They than stood up and shake hands, you wonder where your mom is during all of this.

Later the Seirin kids packed up changed, cleaned and left. It was just you Kiama, your mom, and Kuroko, 'wait Kuroko.' Memories of last night flashed your mind as you were quickly reminded of the text message. 
"I'm so glad my daughter has a friend as nice as you, and such a cutie pie too." your mom said patting Kuroko's head, head pats run in the family. "If i knew you were staying over I would have planned so much more" your mom said heading to the kitchen. She then came back with a tin of cookies. "I usually hide these from Kiama and Y/n, but because your a friend of y/n I guess you can have one" she said. Both you and Kiama were planning on a way to steal those cookies when Kuroko walked next to you and poked your arm. "what are we doing today" he asked. You were about to tell him you didn't plan anything until you got a notification on your phone. *Hyro: Kise's heading to our town for a photo shoot eeeeeeeee, COME QUICK* you can basically hear the scream, Hyro is an over all serious person, but when it comes to Kise she would make a fool out of herself by accident. "hey Kuroko, is it alright if we go to this photo shoot, my friend called me over." he just nod his head. A little while after the location was sent.

   After getting ready you headed to the location it's supposed to be in, "hey so if you were stepped on by an elephant what would you do"
"i would probably die" Kuroko answered, these were basically how your conversations went. Finally you ended up to the location a cafe, seems like this is for an advertisement. You walked up to Hyro who was furiously taking pictures along with what you would assume to be ten thousand people, or at least a hundred, she took out a second phone when she saw you and told you to take photo's, you knew she would be super upset if you didn't, so you did. "i'm going to go get a milk shake." you hear Kuroko said as you were taking the hundredth photo. You just hummed in response not really listening. "wait what" you said as the gears in your head began to tick. you were going to stop him but he was already at the front door. 'OH NO HE OPENED THE DOOR' the bells chimed as he opened it and entered, everyone in there froze and looked  at him, you were experiencing second hand embarrassment. 'has Kuroko never went to a photo shoot before, your not suppose to enter.' 
It was now everyone outsides turn to stop, and *SHLAP* was the sound of many phones dropping to the ground. No one saw him enter, in fact no one sees him, they don't know who Kise is talking to, which is for the better because if they find out who they will probably kill him. "I SEE THE PERSON KISE IS TALKING TO, HE'S OVER THERE, NOW HE'S RUNNING" you shouted as you than began to avoid stampeding fans, you made sure to hold onto Hyro as best as you could.
"I'm so glad you decided to come, I really need your moral support." Kise said, Kuroko pointed to his phone showing Kise an image.
"Oh why do you have to be so cruel, can't you just come here without wanting something in return" he said while wiping his fake tears. You slowly walked to Kuroko, not sure if you should say anything or not, Hyro did not move an inch. "Oh who's this pretty girl, you never told me you have a girlfriend." 
"oh that's Y/n." 
Kise than walked up to you and and shake your hand, he than ran his fingers through his hair. "such a catch Kurokocchi, you finally got a girl friend and she couldn't be prettier." your face was red and you were a stuttering mess from this compliment. 'heeheehe, he called me pretty, heheeh' you said, laughing like a hyaena in your head, biggest smile on your face, or well creepiest. "T-thank you for the compliment, but I'm single" you said, trying to imply something. He than walked up to Hyro. "oh so you must also be a friend of Kuroko" he said shaking her hand too, she couldn't respond, her glasses were fogging up from the heat that arrived on her face from being touched by Kise. He than walked to Kuroko "you have weird friends" he whispered in his ear. Kise than lead everyone inside. "This is the friend I was talking about, See isn't he adorable, and he would be even cuter with his puppy." Kise said to his manager, showing off Kuroko, "Kise you said you only wanted me here for moral support." Kuroko said, showing his phone to Kise again. You were actually able to see it this time, it showed a vanilla milkshake and some text. "yes and you would be even better morale support if you join in on the photo shoot." Kise said trying to get Kuroko to join. "This cafe is going for both a mature and cute look, and they need you to add in the cute factor." Kuroko began walking away. "and free milkshakes forever" 
"Remember my face cannot be scene" Kuroko said, implying that if to much attention is on him his passes would be ineffective. "I know I know, always worrying about basketball." and with that Kuroko was rushed to the changing room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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