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Regret=the feeling of wishing you never did something

The ride to the hospital wasn't too long but the waiting felt like forever, if you had a choice you would have stayed home. Turns out you did injured yourself you some how managed to sprain an ankle. 'How am I going to explain this to my teammates, oh I was just standing on my bike like some dear devil and I fell off, this would totally ruin my reputation of the most mature one in the group.' You were informed to stay off your foot for around 3-4 weeks, but of course you don't want to, you need to train especially with the whole competition coming up. 'Maybe I can secretly go to practice and not use this foot' you said pacing the floor as best as you could with crutches. *Ding* you checked your notifications.

???: This is Kuroko
y/n: Hi Kuroko, how are you
:| Kuroko: good, what are you doing
y/n: at the hospital, turns out I sprained my ankle
:| Kuroko: I'm sorry to hear that
y/n: Don't be, I brought this upon my self, so why did you text me
:| Kuroko: oh I wanted to know if you were going to watch the game tomorrow

You paused and look at your phone, you forgot he was a basketball player, he truly doesn't look the part so you wonder how well he plays.

Y/n: I'll try and make it
:| Kuroko: :D

  You contemplated on how you can miss practice to see Kuroko's game, 'oh yeah, I sprained my foot' you reminded your self, maybe you can use this to benefit yourself, though you will be missing practice you won't miss your new friends game. You went to bed and woke up early the next day, taking a step out of the bed quickly reminded you of your sprained ankle, getting ready was difficult, but you got over it, and you went off to school, or well you would of if your mom didn't insist on driving you.  At school many kids asked how you sprained your ankle and to that you simply said, "I was biking too hard", the day went by and it's time for 'the big game', well that's what you like to call it. "your going to the game too, we can go together and cheer Rin on" Chiyo said referring to her extremely tall and laid back boy friend with white hair and extremely confident. She then tried to help you walk faster so that they can make it before the game start to wish her boyfriend good luck. Of course when you made it there you decided to search for Kuroko instead, you wanted to wish him good luck because he's going to need it, you don't like basing skill on look but in his case, he looks like he has no skills. "Good luck Kuroko" you said walking up to him, he nod his head in return. "Thanks" he said as you gave him a head pat. All the boys grumbled in the background. "your good luck will give me strength" he joked, in his normal tone of voice obviously, giving you a thumbs up. You than went to the bleachers, Chiyo waving to you to sit next to her. "Ohohoho, looks like somebody finally found a boy friend." This caused you to get flustered. "what do you mean"
"I saw that head pat, only people who are close to you get head pats, but that head pat had deeper feelings hidden within"
"what you saw was pity, a team like them can't possibly win against Sayako's very own basket ball team." you said filled with school pride. The ball was released and Seirin got a hold of it first, The ball was then thrown and *swip* who passed it, it just appeared in another Seirin player hand. *swip* it happen again, you looked everywhere for the culprit doing these incredibly impressive passes. "Hey you see those passes" a couple that was seated behind you said, "I heard that there's a mysteries player that does the pass, he was originally apart of the generation of miracles" you think you heard of that name before, five basketball prodigy and a phantom six member of something like that. "Oh yeah what was his name again, Katodo" 'that name sounds familiar, can it be' *swip* 'Kuroko' as you said that you saw the person who was making those mysterious passes, in fact after noticing that, you noticed how much of a monster his team is, there's Kagami doing his amazing dunks, there captain's shoots were always on point and the score board, Seirin 124 and Sayako 89, hoping to win seems like wishful thinking, and Sayako's team can feel it to, almost all of the members felt like giving up, and only a few wants to keep playing, "kagami is a monster now, but what if he get's in the zone, I only heard stories of it, but i don't want to experience it." one member said to himself. Every time one of the Sayako members got the ball they handed it to Rin who's excellent at three pointers, he seems to be the only threat to Seirin him and Kiama, who's always there to make a rebound. the game went on like this for a while, until Seirin figured out Rin's weakness, his accuracy decreases if he's making too many three pointers, especially because he gets too full of himself, you told him about this problem too many times but he never changes.

  The score is 132 to 128, Sayako was so close, but close wouldn't cut it. Kiama is currently hitting Rin for getting too cocky and you were looking for Kuroko to congratulate him. It took a while but you finally found him. "You did amazing, I didn't know how good of a player you are." you said giving Kuroko as much compliments as you possibly can. This made his face slightly red but you didn't notice because you were complimenting him too much. "I told you your good luck gave me strength" he said flexing his muscles, at first you laughed at his joke, until you noticed how toned his arms are, you could grate cheese on that thing. "Hey stop associating your self with the enemy" Rin said picking you up, and caring you under his arm, Rin was like a brother to you but this didn't bother you. "talk to you tonight Kuroko" you shouted out trying to look at him. "talk to you tonight, ? hmm got anything you wanna explain Kuroko" Koganei the cat mouth boy said. "Kuroko always get's the attractive girls" Furihata joined in. Kuroko just shrugged his shoulder and got in line for the 'good game' ritual.

  "Kiama, your little sister was being all buddy buddy with our new rivals." Rin told Kiama after they were done. Kiama, who is actually your older brother shook his head in disappointment to this news. "how dare you, after all I did for you, and you now want to betray your dear old brother and share our secrets with the enemy" he said wiping away fake tears. "as if you guys have any revolutionary secrets, and rivals hah, those guys are on a completely different level than you guys." you said jokingly. "so mean, oh and i was meaning to ask, but what happen to your foot." you explained how you sprained it, leaving out the part where you were doing tricks on your bike. "silly l/n, this is why you should leave when everyone else leave, this way we can help you if you're injured" Chiyo said shaking her head. Chiyo and Rin left and it was just you and Kiama. "hey y/n, can remind mom the Seirin students are coming over tonight, I'm going to be by Rin's house again to finish up homework" He explained before leaving. 'just great, this means I'm suppose to show Kaima's guest the way to our house, and he won't even be there to entertain them.' you said complaining. You stood in front of the gym, until the Seirin students arrived. "I will be showing you guys where you will be staying." you said as you lead them to your big house. It had two guest rooms that can hold up to ten people each, when the Seirin kids entered they tried to contain their excitements, "this is bigger then Kagami's place" one blurted out. You just rolled your eyes at this comment, "my mom will be coming out soon to show your guys around, and try not to get lost" you said going to your mom, then your room. 

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