The match.

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Gay: (boy×boy love)

S.H's POV:
It's my 1st ever match, I'm so excited but nervous, what if I mess up, what if I do something wrong, what if I.. i-
Snap out of it shoyo, you'll be fine don't worry!

As I step up into the court room, I see a guy on the other side of the court, he looks very... h-handsome... Just standing there talking to his teammates, I bet he is coming up with a plan to win against me and my team. Tho that's not gonna happen!

Some time later:

It's 3-9, our team is miserably loosing, the team against us, is scary... So superior and us, were just disappointing... As I shout to my team's 'One more time', They set the ball high up in the air, and I jumped with all my might, up there is felt as if the air was clearer, it felt as if I could fly, fly along with the wind and have no worries..
I hit the ball hard, my hand now red I give my teammates a reassuring smile and say 'Dont worry I got you'...

Entering the court the vast aroma of fresh air floods my nose, heh, this match will be easy...

Walking up on the court I can see my rim of my shoes within the shine on the floor, I look up to see a small team. "Pfft they look like toddlers, this should be easy" I thought..
Someone who caught my eye was this person with orange hair.. "tangerine" I thought, his hair looks like a tangerine.. quite c-cute.

3-8, were winning I thought!
That small tangerine looks like his gonna jump I block and in awe I the tangerine jumps high in the air and hits the ball!
3-9, it was a impressive jump tho, so high in the air...

S.H's Pov

I- I failed... I thought to myself, I... We didn't win.. The scores were 14-21.
Walking out of the court I see that tall boy, he looks so fit.. OH My GAWSHHH, I thought so.. handsome, but then again I remembered him and his team won and we lost...
My teammates tried to cheer me up, tho I was quite emotional and just wanted to be alone..

Going to the bathroom I see 'him'.. the guy I called handsome within my thoughts.. I said, " Hey you! What's your name, if u don't mind me asking"
He replied as " I'm Tobio, Kageyama Tobio, what about you?"
I then said " O-oh nice name!
I'm Shoyo! Hinata Shoyo, it's nice to meet you!"
Kageyama then chuckled as he washes his hands..
As I'm finished with the restroom Kageyama asks if he can have my number.. I slightly blush as I give him my number, and I hear him mumbling under his breath.
As I leave I say my goodbyes and get on with my day.

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