Part 2

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                            "Aw, well dark it is then. You can call me [your nicknames here]" he smiles. "Cute." y/n blushes a bit and chuckles. He checks the time. "Its time we should head to work already. I have to make sure my bother co-workers arent being dumb." y/n smiles again. "You like the boss?" he let out a sliet chuckle. "No but someone has to be."

                           damian (aka dark) walks out of the coffee shop and y/n smiles and finishes their coffee. y/n gets up and leaves to work. She hangs with two other co-workers. And tells them what happened. "WHAT?! Mann why didnt you text use about the email!" bff1(your best friend name) say was excitement. "Child we both need to know so we can see who it wasss!" bff2 smiles to you. "Nope you both might as well try to get too!" you and your bff's chuckled. y/n sees dark walk pass and he in a phone call but still waved to you before leaving the place. Both bff faces were at 'aw'. "Was that him?! He looks handsome." bff1 chuckles. "Yup. he is nice." y/n blushed a bit. "He better be." bff2 acted like they were going to fight. You all chuckled and got back to work and chat some more.

                       As soon it was the end of your shift you left home and your bff's waved bye. You started to walk to your house when you see the same guys as from before. But they looked beaten and mad. They turned your way and saw you. "There they are." they walk your way and you turn into the alley and ran into there. they ran after you following you. You were going to hit a dead end. You started to panic and threw trash cans to block their path. "GET BACK HERE BITCH!" y/n ran to the dead end and looked around for some stairs or something to climb up to. They saw a pole and started to climb the guys finally moved the trashes out there way and ran to you. You were trying your best to climb higher. But they gotten your leg and were pulling it. You were trying to hold on and kicking them off. "Let go!" they both grab your legs and pulled you down to the ground. You hit your head with something and your head started to bleed. "Looks like your boyfriend isnt here to save you now." they grabbed your hair and pulled you up to your feet. You were trying to make them let go of your hair. You try throwing a punch but the other guy was holding your hand down.

                       When they were about to do something worse you all hear another set of foot steps slowly walking up. "If i were you, you both would let her go before you regret it." it was damian. One of the guys let you go and try throwing a punch to him. He dodges and drop kicks the guy down. Damian got out a gun and shot the guy in the head. The other guy let y/n go. Damian somehow walked? Maybe? But really fast he was next to the other guy and shot them dead. y/n was scared and trying to stop the bleeding from their head. Damin helped you up and carried you. "Are you hurt badly?" you shack your head (no). And he walked out of the alley and carried you to his car. He gets out some bandages from the side and helps fix your head wound. "We are lucky it isnt bad. But dont tell anyone what happened okay?" y/n slowly nodded. Damian went to the driver side and started his car. "I will drive you home, i dont want you going home alone.." y/n was still scared after all of it. And dark holds you hand lightly. y/n looked up to him and he starts to drive. "Your place or do you want to stay at mine for the night?

       (hello all you simps lmao. i hope this part is amazing becauseee i need to keep writing on this. haha, tell me what you think of it! and i will do my own thing! OH and also every tuesday i will be posting i found a date for me to be free and post here! i kinda used to do tiktoks but i dont think i will do it again i will stop doing that since there isnt really any veiws on them and just why not do this more! but anyways enough of me! have a good day bye bye!) 

Dark's loverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora