1. Like a Doll

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Her chocolate locks flowed as the wind blew her way. The headband in her hair doing no justice whatsoever. Kisa wondered what kind of fun she would find today.
Maybe somebody would make her smile, laugh, or somewhat entertain her. Sitting in the park watching the birds got boring after a while, especially with no company.
She stood up and looked all around her. Not many people were her considering it is 34 degrees farenheit today.

Suddenly, the sounds of children laughing rang through her ears. Kisa scowled and turned. She hates children. With their dirty hands and annoying childish ways. Yes sometimes she can be childish but not in their type of childish. She's tried not to let people know that, but sometimes it doesn't work and she hates that as well.
So she quickly puts in a smile and walks towards the two kids. Kisa just so happens to be carrying some bubblegum in the bag she carries, and she plans to make them like her no matter how much she actually,dislikes them. When they notice her walking towards them they turn to face her, smiles still on their faces resembling the one on Kisa's.

"Would you guys like some gum?" She asks with the most sweetest voice anyone's ever heard.
The two nod their heads eagerly and grin wider, if even possible.
Kisa reaches into her bag and hands each of them a piece of bubblegum.
"Thank you lady." The boy and girl say simultaneously. She giggles and shrugs. "It's no problem."
Turning around to leave Kisa decides that she should go get some hot chocolate since its really cold out. She walks away from the two kids and walks towards the nearby shops. She doesn't even know what this area is called. She just told her chauffeur to drive her to somewhere with style. "This place has style alright," Kisa mutters under her breath walking into a coffee shop. It wasn't much to her liking. The small area was too simple to please her, since she was sorta've an over the top kinda girl. Walking to the counter she takes out a small purse with her money in it, getting ready to pay. It probably wasn't very expensive anyway. You could tell that just by the looks of this place.

"What may I get you today miss?" The barista asks nicely with a smile.
Kisa immediately returns this favor and simply replies. "One small hot chocolate please."
"Coming right up!" She pays the gentleman and moves to the side to wait.
'No,' Kisa thought. 'Obviously no.'
She takes a minute to look around the place.
It's too quiet for her liking. Not as fun. Unless you wanted the quiet. Which is most definitely boring.
The noise of a bell that indicated someone coming inside the cafe dismissed Kisa of anymore thoughts. She turned to see who was walking in.
Two teenagers about the age of Kisa came inside.

'Twins,'she thought. 'Interesting.'
She could immediately tell that they were seemed fun, mischievous even, just by the way they looked around the room. 'Hm, maybe.'
She took in their features as they walked closer to where she was standing.
Bright orange hair, tall, (at least compared to Kisa's 5'2" height) handsome, but there were some differences. One of them had hair parted to the right, the other twin's hair to the left.
"Miss, your hot chocolate?"
She turns her gaze away from the two boys and grabs the hot beverage.
"Thank you."
The twins turn to look at her and Kisa just smiles.

'Yes, one big yes. But which one?'


Omg so this is like my first fanfic I hope you guys like it


Bubblegum Bitch (Hikaru Hitachiin x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz