3. Light Up With Joy

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~3 months later~

Kisa and the twins have gotten really close since they first met. Only she's just a bit closer with Hikaru. After all it's expected since they are dating now. Kisa thought the way he seemed nervous when he asked her out was pretty sweet. He took her on a date and had bought her flowers. When he asked her she said yes and that made him happy.
He adored her completely.
They were always together when they could be.
Which was sometimes difficult since Kisa was homeschooled and Hikaru had the host club after school.
She made him happy though. So they never let stuff like that get in the way. They made it work.

Kisa felt something most definitely. She was overjoyed. He gave her attention. They joked around, a lot.
She was currently sitting in her bedroom. And she was bored out of her mind. Staring at the wall sure passed the time, but it wasn't entertaining in the least. It was already 6 pm and she hoped that Hikaru would call her already.
Her phone beeped right after that. But it wasn't Hikaru. It was her mother.
Kisa groaned. She never really liked her mother. She was too pushy and controlling. Not really Kisa's taste.
Reluctantly, she answered the phone.

"Yes mother?" She asked.
"Kisa!" Her mom squealed theprough the phone. Kisa also thought she was too giddy. "Oh I have great news!"
"News? What's going on?" "I'm throwing a party and I just found the most adorable dress for you to wear!" Her mother gushed. Kisa could practically feel the joy radiating off of her mother through the phone.
"What color is it? Is it red? Red looks amazing on me if I dare say so myself."
"Actually it's black and white, you see I decided the party should be a black and white masquerade."

Kisa frowned. She really wanted it to be red. But of course her mother always gets what she wants if she can help it. She decided it'd be best not to argue. That never gets her anywhere. Especially with this woman. It's like talking to a brick wall. But Kisa has to confess her true feelings. She absolutely loved masquerade balls. So she let this dress color incident pass.
"Ooh a masquerade? How lovely! I can't wait!"
"Glad you're on board. Now I have to go. Party preparations have to be double checked! Love you!"
She hung up before Kisa had time to respond.
Kisa thought about how handsome Hikaru might look in a tux. He'd obviously be invited as will his brother, and his mother will definitely be invited too. Kisa's phone rang again and this time it's somebody she had been waiting for.


"Hey Hikaru," she answered. "So I hear you're throwing a ball?" He questioned.
"Yeah, I was just made aware of this myself. But it's a masquerade so that's good."
"So we have to wear masks huh? Cool maybe you won't know the difference between me and Kaoru," he teased.

"Whatever! I can always tell so ha!" She play fought back. Hikaru just laughed. "Yeah yeah whatever so I guess I'll see you in three days then?"
"Yeah I can't wait! I think it'll be fun!"
"I'm sure it will be. Hey I gotta go I'll talk to you later."
"Bye!" She hung up. 'It's in three days huh?' Kisa thought.

'Mother better make it an amazing ball. Hikaru's coming.'


So what do you thinks gonna happen at the ball?

Hey just so you guys know this is gonna be a short fanfic, no more than like 5 chapters maybe 6 if I need to have it
just a heads up so don't be mad or sad or anything or whatever
... I feel like I've made Hikaru ooc eh whatever it's my firstfanfic of him k yeah
But yeah I hoped you all liked this \(^_^)/

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