Buddy System

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The assignment was to read a few scenes from Romeo and Juliet and analyze it. Simple as that. But what isn't so simple was being partnered up with a literal imbecile.

"Your dorm or my dorm?" Dean asks as we walk down the hall to our next class.

"I think the library will do." I reply stoically.

"Alright, is there anything you need me to do? Get poster board or markers?"

"No, just leave everything to me."

"Are you sure? I think I should contribute in some way. It is a group kinda thing."

I look at him. "Fine, if you want to contribute how about you read the scene, you tell me what it's about, then i'll analyze the story."

His eyes grew wide.

"Is there a problem?" I smirk.

"Maybe I could do the analysis-."

"No." I turn around and march to our next class. I couldn't trust his thoughts on the story. Women are more emotional which would add depth to our analysis. When men analyze things it's like milk and cake put together. It doesn't make sense no matter how many do it.

During study hall, I walked into the library. As I was about to set down my things, I saw the one and only Dean Portman in the corner of the library READING. He was actually reading.

I smiled because I was surprised that he was actually doing what I told him to do. Maybe he wasn't such an imbecile. But he is still annoying.

"Wow, you are actually reading." I approached him.

"Yeah, I just thought I should read now then analyze later tonight when we get together-."

"Wait, later tonight?" I stopped him. Dean furrowed his eyebrows and stood up.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. It's just that I have practice till 4."

"Same here. But we could do sometime after."

"No, but I mean after 4 I go home and shower and stuff that probably takes up time until 5. Then, I get dinner or something to eat, that takes up about another hour. I do my homework for my other classes which probably takes up time all the way till 8 o'clock, right. Then I have an hour to read for pleasure before I go to bed."

Dean cocked an eyebrow. "That means you go to bed at 9 o'clock."

"9:30 if I'm feeling rebellious."

Dean looked at me as if I were crazy. "That's a joke right?" He chuckled.

I tilt my head at him. "Well no. It's just that I like to go to bed early so then I am refreshed the next day." I exclaim. "That's why i'm not so sleep deprived like other teenagers."

"You go to bed at 9:30 every night?"

"Well sometimes if I get done with my homework earlier then I'll be in bed by 8:45." I admit. It was all honesty. Staying up late just wasn't a thing that I did.

"So, study hall is the only time we could work on this project together?" He asks.

"Well it is ideal. But if we absolutely have to I guess I could squeeze you in sometime after school." I cross my arms.

"You could squeeze me in?" He chuckled again. "How old are you?"

"I'm 15."

Dean shook his head, laughing at me. "You are insane. Well, I'm gonna finish this scene then Maybe just maybe I could squeeze time in for you during lunch." He mocked.

Hate You // Dean Portman Where stories live. Discover now