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"ABSOLUTELY not, Nari. Nu-uh, you're not going around anywhere wearing that...that thing!"

Nari immediately pouts at what her best friend said, quite not expecting that to be his reaction when he sees the outfit she picked out for herself.

They're supposed to hang out at the mall today, but she's afraid that'll have to wait since it seems like she has yet to waste another hour to find another pair of clothes to fit into.

"We're going to the mall Nari. The mall. A lot of people would be there and I don't want to see guys gawking at you in this outfit. Not on my watch." 

"But San-"

"No buts. Come on, I'll pick another outfit for you." The male stands from the couch and drags her back to her room.

While San's busy rummaging through the female's closet, Nari sat back on her bed, fiddling with her hands while her lips were formed into a light frown. In her mind, she's disappointed she'll not be able to flaunt her new clothes and herself, of course. 

Nari is actually the type to wear just a shirt, jeans or dresses on a daily basis, but last week, she thought, why not give herself a chance to change? So that's how she ended up wearing a cropped top and shorts today, the shorts not even that short, so she doesn't know why San's so worked up about it.

So she tries again.


No answer.

Just when Nari was about to call out his nickname again, she gets cut off when a new set of clothes were thrown at her face.

"Wear that instead. I'll give you ten minutes, princess, if you'll take longer than that then, you leave me no choice — I'll leave you behind." 

Nari scoffs, peeling the clothes off from her face. "You wouldn't dare." Nari glares at him but San just brushes her off with a smirk.

"Oh hoh, you bet I will. Now change quickly." He says then he shuts the door closed, leaving Nari all alone inside her room.

She stares at the new set of clothes in her hands, glaring at it, but when she took it out to examine it one by one, she wasn't able to fight back the smile from appearing on her face.

Choi San's taste in clothing is just immaculate.


"San, wait!" Nari says, grabbing onto the male's arm, bringing him back to her side.

"What's wrong, Ri?" San asks her, a worried expression now etched on his face.

Nari was about to speak up, but her stomach beat her to it, as it growled not too loud, but loud enough for San to hear. It made her face flush a deep red due to embarrassment.

San chuckles at this, asking after, "Aww, you're hungry already?" He teases. Nari couldn't bring herself to look at him and just nodded shyly.

"Gosh, what do I do with you little one?" San coos, his tone laced with amusement. Then, he ruffles Nari's hair and scans the area. When he spots a nearby restaurant, he drags her with him. 

Well, he can't afford to let his princess starve much longer now, can't he?


"I can't believe we've been just a minute into this mall and we're already eating instead of shopping." 

Nari badly wanted to argue back, that it wasn't just a minute, and they've clearly been here for the past 30 minutes now, but as she sees it more, she realizes he has a point. Plus, her mouth is full and she's busy trying to stuff in more food, so yeah, no, she'd just remain quiet.

"Slow down there, Ri. No one's chasing you for fuck's sake." 

But then again, the female paid him no heed as she busied herself with eating. Food first, then the rest comes after. That's Jung Nari's motto in life.

After downing all the food on her plate, Nari takes a break to drink some water.

When she looks up, she sees San staring at her with wide eyes. He mutters the words — goodness gracious — before he grabs a few napkins from the napkin holder on the side of the table.

"Come here." San motions her to move closer so he could clean the sides of her mouth. While he does this, he sighs.

"I know food is literally your life. But maybe you could tone it down while we're outside, yeah? You look like you've been starved for days." San says and it was enough to make Nari's face flush because of embarrassment, yet again.

"Sorry~" She chirps, smiling sheepishly after. All San could do was shake his head and smile a little.

"It's okay, you're cute anyway." San mutters the last part under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what?"



"San, look at this!"

At the sound of her voice, San immediately made his way to where Nari was currently at. The female was standing in front of one of the stuffed toy racks, giggling at a certain plushie in her hold.

When she finally notices his presence beside her, she turns to him, showing him the dog plushie in her hands.

"It reminded me of shiber."

As if he just saw a rare treasure, San's eyes widened and then he snatched the plushie from her.

"It does look like shiber!" He exclaims, putting up a hand to his mouth to express his shock.

Then after some time, he declares. "Alright, we're bringing this fella with us back home." And of course, being the dramatic king he is, he adds, "Gosh, shiber would be so happy when he finds out that I brought him a new friend. I'm such a great owner."

Nari does nothing but giggle and look at her best friend fondly at the side.

Because just now, Choi San looked so pure and innocent, and she wanted nothing but to protect him at all cost and devoid him of any sadness.

He only deserves happiness. That smile of his should never falter,

Nari thought to herself as she continued to look at the male who was now starting to talk to the dog plushie.

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