Chapter 5- Kaitlyn

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I was going through my suitcase trying to find my suit when I heard a knock on my door.

It opens a crack and I see Jack peek his head in with his hand over his eyes.

"Are you decent," he asks.

I roll my eyes and say, "Yeah but you know that question wouldn't even be needed if you'd waited for me to answer. I mean that is the point of knocking."

He laughs, comes in and sits on my bed. He looks at me rummaging through my suitcase.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I can't find my suit," I say frustrated. "I know I have one, I packed it this morning."

"Oh, well if you can't find it you can probably use one of mom's old ones."

I look at him and he explains, "She has a lot of ones from when she was a teenager lying around. She says she's going to donate them but she always forgets."

I laugh because that sounds like Aunt Dawn.

"Kay thanks Jack," I look over at him, "did you need something?"

"Hmm?" He says confused.

I shake my head.

"Well I'm guessing you came in here for a reason and it wasn't to tell me about your mom's swimwear." I explain while putting my things back in the suitcase.

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to tell you how happy we are to have you back Kat," I feel my face warm as he goes on, "oh and to warn you that Will's best friend Daniel might be there. He's a great guy but he's also super drunk right now and he gets insane."

I laugh and reply, "Good to know thank you. And it's good to be back."

He smiles and hugs me before getting up and leaving.

I sit in my bed and think about everything that's happened so far. Will was totally flustered when he first saw me then he flirted with me. Jack on the other hand was happy as he hugged me. Both times actually.

I realize that after all these years I still love him. Both of them. They're like the brothers I never had.

I get up and head to Aunt Dawn's room. I knock on the door and wait.

"Come in!"

I open the door and find her in the bathroom putting her earrings in.

"Are you going somewhere?" I ask.

"Yes," she answers. "I'm heading to Coastal High to make sure they have you registered."

Coastal High ugh. The school I'm finishing my senior year at. It has only 191-well now 192-students and for the first week I'm not going to know anyone.

I'd give Will crap about it but it's always been what he wanted. To play WR in high school and college. So I really am happy for him, just not me.

"Oh yay!" I say because I don't know what else to do.

She knows me to well though because she says,

"Honey you'll be fine! There are some really nice kids at this school! And Will will be back by the sixth day of school."

She looks over at me and sees that I'm still not sure and continues,

"Besides, you'll make friends before school starts. Just focus on having a fun summer!"

I smile. She's right, I have the whole summer ahead of me.

"Thanks Aunt Dawn!" I hug her.

"Of course sweetheart. Did you need something?"

"Oh yeah," I say, remembering. "I can't find my suit and Jack said you have some from when you were my age that you forgot to donate?" I ask.

Aunt Dawn nods and walks over to her dresser, pulling the bottom shelf open.

"They're all in here," she points to the swimsuits in the drawer. "They should fit you. Pick anyone you want."

"Thanks Aunt Dawn," she looks at me and frowns.

"Honey," she pauses. "Can I take you shopping tomorrow?"

"What?" I look up at her.

"Well it's just that you're going to need more clothes than you have currently and you need your own suit," she pauses again. "Mine will work for today but I think your chest is bigger than mine."

I try to hide my laughter but a giggle slips out.

"Are you telling me I have big boobs Aunt Dawn?"

"Frankly... yes." She laughs.

"Okay, thank you. But are you sure you have the money?"

"Yep I'm sure. And if not I can always just deprive the boys." She smirks.

"Ahh yes, good idea," I laugh.

"I'll let you change." She walks toward the door then turns around, "I'd wear the red one if I were you," she winks, "reds' always been your color."

I blush as she leaves the room and shuts the door. Then I look down and grab the red one.

It does look small in the chest area. But it's super cute. It has plain red bikini bottoms that are Brazilian cut but not too skimpy and a red triangle top outlined with white.

I go to the bathroom and try it on. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and Aunt Dawn was right. Red is definitely my color. I look... sexy.

It could also have to do with the fact that the top is a little too small so it's pushing my boobs up. But I don't look like a stripper -like I thought I would- so it's okay.

I grab a towel and head back to my room. I go to my suitcase, grab a pair of jean shorts, and slip them on over my bottoms.

Then I take a deep breath and start walking down the stairs. Jack and Will are already down there waiting for me.

"Sorry," I apologize, "have you been waiting long?"

They're both staring at me and I feel my face flush.

"What?" I demand.

"Umm nothing," Jack starts looking warily at Will, "We've only been here for like 5 minutes."

My face gets warmer when I look over at Will who is still staring at me. Jack elbows him in the ribs and he swallows before looking away and clearing his throat.

"That was moms?" Jack asks.

"Um yeah."

Aunt Dawn comes in from the kitchen and wonders, "what was mine?" Then she sees me and smiles.

"Oh," she smirks. "Told you Katie."

My face heats again and I finish walking down the stairs.

Will is still staring at the spot on the wall when Aunt Dawn looks at him.

"Honey," she says to me, "you might want to go and put a shirt over that. Wouldn't want you to cause an accident while crossing the street."

She laughs and I join in to hide my blush.

"Kay I'll be right back!"

I turn and run up the stairs. Walk into my room and pull a white T-shirt over my head.

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