Chapter 7-Kaitlyn

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Once the three of us get to their group one of the boys comes toward us. He has blond hair that falls in waves across his forehead and a deep tan.

    "So," he looks at me. "Dis da gurl from earlier?"

    "Dan, shut up. You're so drunk I can't believe you're even standing." Will rubs a hand down the front of his face.

Jack laughs at WIll and says, "I'm getting a beer. Either of you want one?"

I shake my head and Will says yes.

"You don't want a beer?" Dan wonders.

I look over at him and tell him, "I don't drink."

"Ah, I get it. Good for you.

I'm shocked because people normally laugh at me or call me a pussy when I tell them I don't drink. He must see my surprise because he starts walking toward me and Will, who's still at my side.

"I may be drunk right now, and it is something you will get used to seeing soon. But I am not an asshole and I totally get why you wouldn't drink. I wish I had the balls to do the same and stand up to people like that."

I laugh at that. Will was right he is nice even as drunk as he is right now.

"No, seriously. Mad respect for you-" He breaks off realizing he still doesn't know my name.

"Kaitlyn," I finished for him.

He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"Dan," he introduces. "Though I have a feeling you already know that. I am Will's best friend after all."

He leans down and whispers in my ear so Will can't hear.

"Don't take that away from me, it's all I have." He winks.

I laugh and promise that I won't.

"What position do you play?" I wonder, figuring he's on the football team with Will.

"Well, I played WR but now that Jack is at UCSB I'm taking over his place at QB." He looks over at Jack then back at me. "I'm not as good as the legend but I'll do it for the last year."

"That's pretty impressive. Going from WR to QB with only one season left."

He smirks at me and lets me know that I'll have to watch a game to make sure.

"Oh, I'll be there all right."


"Hell yeah! I wouldn't miss it for the world." I nod. "Got to make sure Will here can still catch a ball if I'm not throwing it right to him."

I look over at Will and he smiles, shaking his head.

"Oh?" Dan wonders. "You play?"

"Um, Yeah. When we were thirteen Jack, Will, and I used to take turns rotating between QB, WR, and blocking." I explain.

Dan looks at Will and whistles.

"Now that's a keeper. I would pay to have a sister who'd play ball with me."

"Yeah it's pretty amazing. Until she kicks your ass and makes you feel like an idiot."

"No way this I've got to see." Dan says laughing so hard other people are starting to stare.

"Maybe later, when you're sober enough to play." Will suggests.

"I'm holding you to it." He looks at me, "It was nice to meet you Kaitlyn."

"You too," I smile.

He walks toward the group of guys on the left and Jack heads back over to us.

"Sorry," he apologies. "Darren was just warning me that Camryn found out we were here and is on her way."

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