Chapter 6-Will

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Holy shit. Holy shit. I can't believe that bathing suit was my moms. Kat looked so hot. She just came strutting down the stairs in it and was totally oblivious to the fact that she just made my whole brain fuzzy.

I didn't mean to stare but I just couldn't tear my eyes away from her. She looked... sexy. Like really sexy.

Wow I'm an asshole. Ugh I wish someone would zap me out of these thoughts.

I'm still staring at the stairs where she disappeared when Jack elbows me again in the ribs for the third time today.

"What?" I say a little too harshly.

"You might want to tone it down little brother," He says, shaking his head in amusement. "That was so overly obvious. If you act like that at the beach Dan and the guys are going to catch on and have a field day."

"Shut up," I glare at him.

My mom laughs and bites her lip trying to stop whatever comment I can tell she wants to say.

"What?" I concede.

"Well," she hesitates. "It's just that I think your brother is right. She just got here and you're kind of, well, she just has a lot going on and probably doesn't need to deal with your hormones."

God does everyone in my family know I love Kat. I thought I hid it better than that. I must be a sucky actor.

So I say, "I know."

"Okay, good. Also you need to make sure not to go crazy jealous at the beach okay son? Let her make friends."

"Why would I be jealous?" I ask, confused.

Jack answers for mom though. "Dude you're literally in love with her. And she looks hot in the swim suit, how do you think the other guys are going to react to a hot new single girl in our tiny town."

I groan they're going to be all over her.

"You make sure they leave her alone then Jack, she is like a sister to you right?"

"Yeah she is," he agrees. "But there are two things wrong with that plan. One she'll be pissed at me if I do that, she needs to make friends since neither of us are gonna be there. Plus she's stronger than she looks. I'm sure she can handle herself. And those guys aren't gonna stay away when I'm 2½ hours away at UCSB. You're just going to have to control yourself."

I frown and mom pats me on the back.

"Just so you know Will," she looks at me. "Once Katie gets settled in, I am definitely rooting for you two. She needs a confidant and someone who loves her that is her age."

I blush at that and am about to reply when Kat comes running down the stairs, her hair swishing behind her. She has a white t-shirt on now but I can still see her red bikini under.

"Better Aunt Dawn?" She wonders.

"Better," mom smiles at her.

"Okie dokie ready to go guys?" She asks us.

"Yep," Jack answers, grabbing her hand, pulling her down the stairs and out the door.

I look at mom who's looking at them with amusement in her eyes and I feel like I'm missing something.

"What?" I ask suspiciously.

Her head whipps toward me and her smile dims.

"Nothing. Nothing. You better follow them before they leave without you."

I'm confused and still feel like I don't know something but she's right. So I head out the door but not before looking back at her. Now she frowning down at her hands and picking her fingernails like she does when she's nervous or deep in thought.

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