Panic From The Burrows

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Misused care jolting throughout glass skulls
Transparent thoughts brought to ridiculed light
Screamed whispers hath a dignity so very dull
Spider bride's are yet to stalk the grotesquely moonlit night
All we could do was stare; care without action is null

The water is heavy, the water yodels it's screeching song
You can't exchange it for tar; you can't escape midstream
We'll float along; you one way, me another; yes, we'll float along
The paper has drowned intact; be careful, it'll fall apart by a scream
So don't dread if you're by it's side, for you were never wrong

All these words, symmetrical and in unworthy vain,
Shooting across the skies of reality; all ears, no listening
And for nothing, the soul of your nation protruding from a drain
The vulgar kindness of a lonesome wind is desperately whistling
But don't fool yourself, my black beauty, succumb to the sane

The ink on your hands leave you bloody
The howling incantations of the air pulls which way it will
The raindrops meet on a crescent hill so muddy
The abandoned silhouette of my heart gazes from the windowsill
The quiet infinity of a moment 'fore despair, is so very lovely

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