Fanart - (1)

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"WILBUR, I'M AT HALF A HEART QUIT PUNCHING ME DICKHEAD!" Tommy yelled into his microphone, Wilbur laughed,

"Calm down man, it's not like you have anything on you!" Tommy groaned as he watched Wilbur's character punch him one last time, sending him to the you died! screen.

"What the fuck!? All you've been doing is killing me!"

"It's funny," The brunet said, "At least I think it's funny."

"Fuck you."

Tommy sighed, closing Minecraft, he had almost forgotten he was streaming.
"Might as well end..."

"WELL EVERYBODY, hope you enjoyed the stream, I'm gonna end it here, GOODBYE!" He noticed Ranboo was streaming and decided he might as well raid him, ending the stream soon after.

"Ending so soon? That was barely a half hour." Tommy could hear Wilbur clicking his mouse through the mic, assuming he was closing Minecraft as well.

"Yea, dunno, just not feeling like streaming today." Tommy leaned back in his chair, "I promised them a stream though, so I thought I'd try and pull through, yea?"

"Mhm, I get it. You don't have to stream if you don't feel up to it though, the viewers will understand, we all have a life outside Twitch." Wilbur told Tommy, his tone didn't exactly give away his underlying worry of what might be wrong, but it was comforting.

"Obviously, but I feel bad? I like keeping promises." Tommy mumbled, Wilbur sighed,

"Well, never mind that, is anything wrong? You said you didn't feel up to streaming." Now his tone was filled with concern, Wilbur had always seen himself as a big brother to Tommy. He thought of it as his job to keep Tommy safe, and ultimately happy.

The blond ran his fingers through his hair, letting out another long sigh,

"Not really sure, I've just been feeling down lately. It'll be all good soon, though." He smiled slightly, "Thanks for caring, Wilbur."

Wilbur smiled, not that Tommy could see, though. His camera was off, "No problem, man! You can tell me anything, okay?"

Tommy nodded, "Thanks. Hey, I think I'm gonna end the call now, bye, Will!"

"Bye, Tommy!"

Tommy ended the call, pushing himself off his chair. He collapsed onto his bed, opening his phone.

He sat there looking at the home page for a moment, trying to think of something he could do. He wanted to distract himself. Tommy wished he could just have talked to Wilbur about it, but the problem was that he wasn't exactly sure what the issue was. He'd always had days like this, where he feels awful about himself.

It's happened since forever, but Tommy's never been quite sure why. He decided to open Instagram, maybe look at some fanart?

Tommy scrolled through the countless art of him and his friends. Some were representations of the Dream SMP while others were just of some recent vlogs. He kept scrolling, liking a few of the posts, until he found one piece of fanart in particular

Genderbent Tommyinnit :)

The drawing was of him, but with longer hair and inherently more feminine features. He was wearing his iconic white and red shirt. Tommy definitely felt something about this, he couldn't pinpoint it though. He liked the photo and clicked the creator's profile.

He scrolled through some more of their art, maybe he was just a little bit intrigued by the genderbend. Of course, around the same time as the first genderbend artwork, he found more. Some were of his friends, there was one of Tubbo, but most importantly to Tommy, there were more of him. He stumbled upon a drawing of a female version of himself in a skirt, still wearing the white and red t-shirt. He liked the post again.

Tommy decided to not like anymore from this artist, he didn't want to seem weird in any way. He closed Instagram, setting his phone down beside him on the bed. He laid on his back, Tommy cupped his face in his hands and groaned.

He dragged his hands from his face and stared up at the ceiling, resting his arms on his stomach. He thought about the fanart again. Instead of pulling him out of this state, it seemed to have shoved him in further. He thought about what it might have been like, to be born a girl. Tommy came to the conclusion that his life would probably be the same, a Minecraft streamer with a supportive following and supportive friends.

He sort of wished he was a girl.

He thought about how this wasn't the first time he'd wished that.

Tommy turned over, burying his face in his pillow, continuing to let the thoughts of life in a different body flow through his head.

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