She - (3)

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It had been a few weeks since Tommy had looked into his gender identity. He felt like he needed to tell someone. He thought about what Wilbur had said a few weeks ago, that Tommy could tell him anything.

Tommy decided to put it to the test.

Tommy: Will, can we talk for a second on call?

Wilbur: Sure, gimme a second

Tommy waited at his computer for a moment, suddenly he received a call from Wilbur. Tommy took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hey, Will."

"Hey, Tommy! What's up?" Wilbur greeted the blond happily.

"I was thinking, and I wanna tell you something..." Tommy's voice became quieter at the end. His tone was dripping with anxiety, "You promise not to tell anyone else? Unless I say it's okay?"

Tommy wasn't sure why he was so worried, he knew Wilbur would accept him, but word getting out still worried him.

"Of course! As long as you're not admitting to a crime or something." Wilbur responded, he had that usual tone. The calm tone he always used with Tommy whenever he was worried about something.

Tommy exhaled, "So..." he fidgeted with his hands anxiously, "I think... I think I might be trans."

The call the went silent for a moment.

"Oh, wow," Wilbur said, "Hey, thanks for telling me." Tommy smiled softly.

"That was brave, Tommy, really," Wilbur paused for a moment, "Is there a new name I should use, pronouns?"

"I'm thinking I want to use she/her, but you're the only person who knows.." Tommy murmured at the end. "Plus, I haven't exactly thought of a new name yet, I just really needed someone for me to talk to about it all." As anxious as Tommy had been, she was ecstatic.


She finally had someone who she could go to, to talk to about it all.

"Sorry if I'm prying, but is this why you didn't feel like streaming?" Wilbur asked, interrupting Tommy's thoughts.

"Yea, I was just feeling pretty bad about my body.. I think I'll stream again soon, though." Tommy responded.

"I'm sorry, it'll get better, mate." Wilbur consoled her, "If you ever need to just vent, or if you have a new name I should call you by, give me a call!" He assured Tommy, "I'm somewhat honoured that you chose to tell me first."

Tommy laughed under her breath, "Heh, thanks, Wilbur."

"No problem, Toms. I gotta go, but like I said, if you need anything just call!"

"Bye, Will!" Tommy exclaimed, "Thanks again."

"Goodbye!" Wilbur said as he ended the call. Tommy leaned back in her chair,

"Holy shit."

Tommy sat there for a moment, looking down at her hands laying comfortably in her lap.

Once again, she had known that Wilbur was going to accept her, yet she was so glad it was over. Maybe she was more worried about Wilbur telling anyone else?

Yea, but either way the fear was irrational. She trusted Wilbur enough to come out, and she trusted him enough to keep the secret.

(A/N: I wrote this on Oct 26 and forgot to post it, sorry lmao)

Overwhelmed - {Trans!Tommy} DISCONTINUED/ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now