It's a working title - (4)

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Tommy was once again bored. She had been trying to think of a name, eventually resorting to looking up "girl names". Still, she couldn't find one that really fit. A name that really felt her's. Tommy did like the names she found, but none of them really felt right.

Wilbur said I could talk to him about this stuff, right.. Tommy thought to herself, Maybe I'll call him about it. Tommy opened discord and went to her DMs with Will.

Hey, can we call?

It took a minute, but Will eventually came online and responded,


Tommy initiated the call, Wilbur picked up.

"Hey, Tommy! What's up?" He greeted the blonde.

"Hey, Will! Sooo, I've been thinking about something lately, I'm tryna think of a new name." Tommy explained, "I'm kind of stuck, though. I know I don't want this name but I also can't find a new one."

"Hmm, well, do you have any names in mind?"

"I dunno, aren't there like, rules?" Tommy asked. "I've always seen people using names that start with the same letter as their deadname."

"Tommy, it doesn't have to be a feminine copy of your current name. It can be whatever you like!" Wilbur reassured her, "Have you only been looking for t-names?"

"..Maybe." Tommy murmured, "It's not my fault! The media-"

Wilbur laughed, "It's fine, Tommy, now do you have any names in mind?"

Wilbur heard as Tommy typed on her keyboard. The typing stopped and Tommy responded, "Yes."

"Did you just look up names?"

"It's my name and I choose which," She read the website name off the top of the screen, "'top 20 baby names' list it comes from!"

Tommy scrolled down, each name had an unreasonably long description of some sort. "This list sucks, Will, shout out some names and I'll say yes or no."

"What-?" Wilbur laughed, "Alright,"



"Uhh, Taylor?"



"Also no, I like the idea of a name with the letter C, though!" Tommy responded. "You don't have to list anymore names."

Wilbur sighed in relief, "Good, it's difficult to think of names when you're put on the spot.. Plus, it's your name, I think you'd do a better job at choosing one."

Tommy nodded, she knew that, but it was somewhat difficult. She sat in silence for a moment, thinking about different names and using them in place of the one she had been given. "I think I have an idea of the name I'd like to use."

"Yea? What is it?" Will asked excitedly. "I'm glad you're figuring yourself out, mate!" Tommy could hear the smile in Wilbur's words.

"So, I was thinking, maybe-" She started, "I quite like the name Claire."

"Ohmygoodness that's such a nice name!" Wilbur exclaimed.

She smiled, "I also like Clementine, though, maybe as a nickname you could call me Clem?"

"Yea, sure! Both are lovely names!"

"By the way, I was thinking," Claire began, "I might come out to Tubbo."

"You should! Do it when you're ready, though, don't rush it." Wilbur advised. "Hey, I've gotta go, Phil's asking if I want to do a stream on Origins. I'll talk later!"

"Okay, bye, Will!" Claire said. Wilbur left the call, Claire leaving and ending it soon after.

Claire leaned back in her chair, I really have no reason to be nervous about coming out to Tubbo- She thought, Though, this does bring me one step closer to having to come out to my parents..

Either way, shouldn't be too much of a problem.

(A/N: So- listen, I just saw a lot of fanfics where Tommy's name was Clementine. Tommy just gave Claire vibes okay- I at least kept Clem as a nickname. Please don't hurt me if you wanted the name to be Clementine ily /p

Also fun fact: my name may or may not have come from a "femboy names" list, it's a fun origin story)

(Edit: I spelt Charlotte wrong like a dumbass)

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