Stiles and His Favourite Pass Time

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Beacon Hills high school has one particular student who is well known for his hilarious, yet sometimes over the top pranks on people.

Stiles Stilinski is his name, and his favourite pass times varied greatly. Sometimes he would be helping Scott, while other times he would be poking his nose into his father's business or chasing after Lydia.

But recently, since he had got the girl, Scott had no drama and his father was keeping the latest case a top secret. If he didn't find another pass time soon then he would go out of his mind with boredom.

Then an idea struck him. An old favourite pass time of his that he hadn't done in at least a year.

Stiles was pretty famous around the school when it came to pulling pranks on people. You could even go as far as to call him a celebrity amongst the population of the high school.

He had always chosen specific pranks for specific people. Like one time back in their junior year, he had pulled one of the craziest pranks ever on Scott.

It was the night of their first school dance, and almost everyone knew that it wasn't fancy dress. Apart from Scott. So when he had been asked by his best friend what to wear, he had informed him that it was a fancy dress dance.

Later on at the dance Scott had shown up dressed as Michael Jackson from the Thriller video, only to find everyone else was dressed in their usual school dance attire. Needless to say that it took three days after that until he finally spoke to Stiles again.

Despite pranking his friends, there was one person in particular, who was his absolute favourite to pull pranks on.

That person was Bobby Finstock, their coach for the Lacrosse games. Poor Finstock never had the chance to even see Stiles' pranks coming.

The lengths that he would go to were hilarious, and he was always finding new ways to wave red flags. It was though he had an endless source of prank ideas.

During his time on the Lacrosse team, Stiles had pulled more pranks than you could think of. He had everything, from making the poor bloke's office fall apart, to having him on goose chases. You name it, he done it.

Now here he was at the beginning of his senior year, stumped for pranks to pull. Over the years, he had pulled so many on Finstock that he would have to think of extreme ones just to make sure that the man would fall for it.

Oh but he was eager to push Finstock's buttons. To ruffle his feathers.

This prank would be one of his last on the man, before their time at high school ran out, so he wanted it to be the best yet.

Sat at home in his room, the night before the first day back, he had been drawing up a plan. Carefully he contemplated every move, and paid attention to every last detail.

Finally, he had the perfect idea and he just knew that Finstock would most definitely disagree....

A/N: Sorry it's short peeps, it's a rewrite of an old fic so I tried extending it as long as I could.

As the chapters go by, it will get longer and better, I promise.

Stay tuned for more.

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