Consider The Whistle Blown

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Having just changed into his Lacrosse jersey, Stiles waited for Finstock to have to blow that whistle, and if he knew one thing it was that he always blew it before they got out onto the field.

"What the hell did you do to rile him up Stiles?" Isaac quizzed, arching an eyebrow.

"Oh not much...just a few of the old tricks." Stiles downplayed it.

At the exact moment he said that statement, the coach came into the locker room, looking furious. Everyone in the room, including his team mates, looked in his direction. Rather than getting defensive like Jackson would have, he sniggered.

There was one thing that he had forgotten while preparing the pranks...that when Finstock was mad, he would blow the whistle.

Having just realised that, Stiles braced himself for the room full of laughter that was sure to follow. Just as he thought, the coach brought the whistle to his lips and sucked in a deep breath. Then he blew into the small piece of metal.

All the boys who were previously covering their ears to protect their hearing from the loud sound, looked up confused at the silence. They all looked towards Finstock who was now spitting out a mouthful of cotton wool.

Isaac once again burst into a fit of laughter. The one by one, the rest of the team laughed along with him. Stiles stood with a huge grin on his face, enjoying seeing Finstock so wound up.

"STILINSKI!! MY OFFICE AT THE END OF THE DAY!" The man yelled, having successfully removed all the cotton wool from his mouth.

"Dude you are so savage." Isaac chuckled.

"What the hell are you looking at Greenburg?!" Finstock snapped, then added, "That's you on the bench for this season." He finished.

"Hahaha what can I say? He's an easy target." Stiles replied to Isaac.


Out on the field, when Finstock left his whistle unattended, Stiles sneaked it away and filled it again, this time with water. He then placed it back.

As he resumed his position on the field, the coach picked up the whistle and Stiles worked hard to hold in his laughter.

Once again, the coach brought the whistle to his lips and blew into it. This time instead of no sound, a water logged whistle sound came out, soaking Finstock's shirt.

Stiles burst into laughter instantly, followed by the whole team.

"STILINSKI!!" Finstock yelled through the whistle.

Yep! That did it for sure. Stiles proceeded to leg it across the field as Finstock became hot on his trail. The man was bright red with anger but it didn't stop him from being able to move swiftly.

He thought of leading the man on a goose chase, but then he remembered all of the things he had done to the man's classroom and didn't want his best efforts to go to waste. So rather than a lot of pointless running, he led the man in the direction of the next pranks.

Oh well, at least it brightened up practise and meant that they would get back inside quicker, Stiles thought to himself cheekily.

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