The Shocker Pen

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Unfortunately for Stiles, luck was not on his side this time. Finstock had managed to catch up with him, in the school halls.

However, being the sarcastic, playful boy he was, he never pulled a prank without a back up plan, and he had already thought of the perfect way to get out of Finstock's grasp.

After all, they would be heading back to the classroom after practise, but for now he had other ideas...

He remembered the old classic shocker pen, perfect for a scheming prankster like himself, that his mother had brought him whilst they were on holiday. It was around the time of his eighth birthday, and the memory was a fond one that he always liked to reminisce about. The reason for this was because it was the last holiday that they shared as a family before Claudia's  illness caught up to her.

Since her death, he had carried the pen around with him, but had never had the chance to use it...until now.

As soon as he got the chance, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the pen, which was still in tip top condition and looked brand new, he then proceeded to hold it against Finstock's arm and pushed down the end of it. A crackling fuzz sound echoed through the empty hall as it shocked the poor, unsuspecting man and he let out a high pitched shriek of surprise.

Phase one was complete, Stiles thought to himself as Finstock was desperately trying to regain himself and shake off the tickling sensation that had taken over his body.

Now it was time for phase two....

The classroom cluster....


As the teens poured into the classroom and sat down, Finstock was handing out the clipboards to each of them. Clearly he hadn't noticed what was attached to them just yet. He soon realised though, as he began hearing the cries of hysterical laughter of his students.

Finstock then snatched one of the boards off of the nearest student to see what all the fuss was about and glanced down at it. He was both horrified and embarrassed by what he saw.

A picture of himself dressed as a woman from a drinking night that had gone so wrong that he still had flashbacks to this day. It turned out that mixing vodka with beer and gin was not the best idea.

Stiles meanwhile, was just sat patiently waiting to hear it again. He was holding in his laughter pretty well until Finstock yelled out at the top of his voice...

"STILINSKI!!!!!" The now enraged man roared.

The whole class erupted into even more laughter as soon as he did. They still found it hilarious.

Stiles himself though, didn't flinch nor sink in his seat. Instead he just sat confidently in his seat, a cheeky smirk on his face as he laughed to himself.

He just couldn't wait for Finstock to log into that computer...or use the chalk for the chalk board....whichever came first. He just knew that this day was going to be epic and full of fun.

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