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Lets do this

Clay's pov

I finished streaming a Minecraft video and I had nothing to do now so I stood up, walked to my nightstand, grabbed my phone that was charging and started to scroll through my TikTok, watching some videos and liking some, ones was edits and others was very funny memes.

It started to get boring so I decided to make a discord call with George, I opened the app and clicked the call button.

No longer after he picked up.

"Hi! how is going?" He said with a happy voice trying to start a conversation. "fine, and you?" I said "I'm okay".

Later that we stayed in silence, it was so loud at the point you could hear the balance of the leaves of the trees in the outside, and a little annoying if you ask me.

"Sooooooo whatcha doing?" He said
"nothing basically. We can play Minecraft if you want" "ok I'm joining" He joined the game.

And one more time again the loud silence take control of the call, but it was broken after a couple minutes by a loud scream of George when I killed him.

"NOOOOOO HOW?" He screamed making me wheeze (da classic tea kettle wheeze 😌👌) "STOP LAUGHING THIS ISN'T FUNNY" I wheezed more harder almost dying looking like I have asthma.

"I WILL REVENGE MYSELF JUST WAIT" George continued screaming "I dare you~" I said trying to tease him and letting out another tea kettle wheeze.

After I regain my breath the looking like endless silence took possession of our discord call again.

It was a really beautiful and sunny day today so I had an idea.

"How about we go for a walk? Or something?" I said, sice he moved to Florida recently, we live pretty close, practically neighbors and we literally hang out every day.

"Yes sure!" You could see the excitement is his voice. "Okay so I'm going to pick you up" we leaved the call so I grabbed my phone and my wallet (I guess this is how it is named ._.) and put them in my pocket, making my way to the door, obviously locking it and walking in the direction to George's house.


After I picked him up, I was walking with George in a street this when we saw a fucking dog doing...


It was look like a some sort of cartoon or something, not gonna lie this is so weird and unreal, like this all was just a dream, like that crazy ones, but we walked to it since there's no other way "fOr pAsSsS yOu NiD tWo PaY 😌" the dog said.

Me and George raised an eye brow and looked at each other, not believing that a 'dog' can talk and DO FUCKIN TOLL.

"what the fuck is happening" George said broking the loud silence.

"I AUREADI SAYD FOUR PASSSS YA NIDI TU PAY 😡" the 'dog' screamed, making me and George look back at it.

"fine, I pay, how much it is" I sighed in anoyance "ITIS FUCKIN 10 DOLLAR FO EACH ONE UWU" I looked at George who was trying to not laugh.

I grabbed my wallet and then I grabbed 10 dollars and handle it to the... Dog?

"AH AND I'M A FRICKIN FLOATING COW" and no longer after it somehow magically turned into a tipe of cow, I looked to George again and he was with his jaw dropped, not believing what was happening, while I was with a shocked face.

Suddenly my vision started to get blurry, soon turning black, I passed out.

When I waked up I was laying in a bed in a weird and unknown room.

What the fuck is happening?

633 words

I should write more? Or this amount is good?

You can always leave ideas here if you want :)

Thanks for reading!


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