MinTomi (She's Mine)

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Supposedly, it should've been easy.

Waking up Honda Hitomi, should have been easy.

First, just shout her name with your unapologetic loud mouth.

Second, shake her torso with all you strength.

Third, wait for her to sit upright and glare at you with her menacing eyes.

Although Nako did all the first and second steps flawlessly, Hitomi exhibits no indication of sitting at all and stayed inside her burrito blanket. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Nako decided to bring out her hidden card. Exiting room 21 and ignoring the other witches accusing stares (which she really can't blame them for, a vampire at the witch dormitory is really surprising after all) she turned back to to room 15.

Knocking and getting no response, Nako did what she thought was the most logical way — forcing herself way in. Very much unlike Hitomi, Yuri's room was guarded with a protection spell and is consist of locks and so she only manage to enter after 5 minutes of pick-locking and brainstorming which spell do witches use to open a locked door.

"Jo Yuri! It's freaking seven in the morning! Time to wake up! Hitomi needs your loud ass!" She shouts, adventuring towards Yuri's bed.

The mentioned witch groggily wakes up,  and Nako almost felt bad.

"What." Yuri says, glaring at the midget. "Is she still sulky Minju have been ignoring her?" she asked, now standing up and yawning.

"Not exactly sulky, more like gloomy." Nako deadpanned.

Yuri groans, but nonetheless stands and put on her clothes, not even minding on fixing her hair. "Let's go, you better owe me a slack after this." she says, walking towards the exit of her room, Nako beams and followed the hamster, skipping her steps.

The two arrived inside Hitomi's room to be greeted with the same exact thing Nako left. Hitomi inside her blanket burrito.

"Honda, you better wake up now, for whatever reason, Nako wants you to do, you don't want her pulling Minju herself here would you?" Yuri starts, voice full of strictness.

"She won't." Hitomi says, now even moving one bit.

"I'm assuring you I will." Nako quips, tapping her foot on the floor impatiently.

"Minju won't let you though, she's angry at me." At last, Hitomi decided to sit up, but instead of her usual menacing eyes, Yuri and Nako were met with a gloomy orbs.

Nako releases a sigh. "What made her ignore you, anyway? I don't remember you doin' anything that might anger her though."

Yuri nods, backing up Nako's statement.

"I don't know, I don't remember doing anything to warrant her avoidance." Hitomi answers, pouting when Nako only palms her face and Yuri rolled her eyes.

"She's probably on her period." Yuri concludes, frowning at her own theory.

"Excuse you, but us vampires don't get affected by those kind of things." Nako states, glaring at Yuri. "And besides, Minju have been ignoring her for a week, didn't you say that periods only last less than a week."

"That is true," Yuri nods slowly. "But, then why? I mean all you did last week was tutor Chaewon-unnie for potions and receive a cake from Hyewon-unn—" Yuri stopped, made a face, and then looked at Hitomi. "Do you know you have a very obsessive girlfriend?" she deadpanned.

"So you're telling me she got jealous of Chaewon-unnie? And Hyewon-unnie?" Nako says, understanding what Yuri was proclaiming. "Well isn't your girlfriend dumb." she says, glaring at Hitomi who was pouting, a very rare occurrence. (Nako's certain Minju would kill just to solo this sight)

randominggg   -   :)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora