Confession (It's You- mintomi)

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As what Hyewon advised, Hitomi invited Minju to talk, right after her shift, which is a bad idea because she is sleep-deprive, nonetheless she have no choice because apparently according to Yuri Minju have an upcoming drama project and she might be busy for weeks and there's no way she can sleep if she knows she and Minju still haven't talk.

So here she is, sleep-deprived and waiting. She should've not said take your time, huh.

As if to prepare her heart to whatever comes— which is actually just her apologizing since in the first place she had believe it is her fault— she exhales, smoke coming through her mouth, a sign of the coldness surrounding her.

Since she's aware of Minju's also tired state, she decided to meet with her at the park near the actress' company, wearing a padded jacket, a mask, and her trusted glasses.

It's night, so the temperature's cold.

Oh how she hates cold, not that she have a choice anyway. And besides, the sky looks very pretty tonight.

The moon's beautiful. No clouds to hide it from her eyes, and the stars shines perfectly well with it.

The sky really is ethereal.

“H-Hey,” a sudden voice calls, stuttering.

Hitomi looks down from the sky, and stares at Minju's figure, clad in the same padded jacket and black mask such as her.

“Hey,” she greets back, releasing her hold at the swing's side to wave. “Thanks for coming, even though you're busy.”

Minju shakes her head, disagreeing. “It's fine,” she says, walking towards the unoccupied swing beside Hitomi, “I'm gonna ask you to talk with me, anyway.” she takes a sit just as Hitomi formualtes an answer,


“Yeah.” Minju nods, smiling slightly at Hitomi before she stares at the sky, “and besides, I need a break from Yuri's theatrics.”

Hitomi actually chuckled at that, because really, at times, Yuri's dramatics can really be too much. “I see, must be really tiresome.”


Silence starts to descend as a lone cloud appears to cover the moon.

Hitomi, ever herself, sighs silently. And with a swallow, starts a conversation with her apology at hand, her eyes finding Minju's, whom is staring at the sky.

“Min,” she calls, voice low yet loud enough, and tone seemingly burdened with all her bagged feelings, “I'm sorry... about what happened at your—”

“Hitomi-yah, the moon is beautiful, isn't it?”

Hitomi blinks owlishly, but finds herself nodding absentmindedly, “Yeah, it is...” she blinks again, then stares at the sky too, “it always have been.”

From her peripheral, she sees Minju bite her lips, exhaling deeply after. “Hitomi,” she starts, “I need to tell you something...”

Hitomi's eyes left the sky, moving to find Minju's figure instead. “What is it?”

The actress opens her mouth, but words failed her, so is her voice. A swallow was all she mustered, then, after another heartbeat passing, she opens it again,

“I know I promised to be your friend forever,” she says, “but— I— but I realized, I can't.”

“Min?” Hitomi hears herself ask, because she's confused. Minju can't be her friend? Does that mean she's ending their friendship? Minju is? “What do you mea—”

“Because Tomi-yah, I don't like you just as a friend anymore— I'm really sorry, but I can't help but fall.”

Between her words, Minju finds herself standing right in front of Hitomi who's still lost of words, mouth opened as if waiting for the words to come out themselves— because her mind, her heart, it's speechless.


The only words capable to free themselves from her throat's restraint.

Minju's hands were outstretched now, as if waiting for Hitomi to take it. But Hitomi remains stills, only staring at Minju, whom hands slowly fell. Slowly, and slowly...

“I know you only see me as your friend,” she says just as the tears starts go fall, “and I hope, that even with this confession— you'd still be my friend... I— I h-hope, it wouldn't ruin—” Minju's words were beaten by her sobs, and almost automatically, Hitomi stands stepping closer only to stop, because she's afraid.

Afraid that if she did, she'll give Minju false hope, so she remains still instead, deep-rooted, and only stares, tears also brimming in her eyes, “Min-ah... I'm sorry.”

Minju shakes her head, “No... don't apologize— it's n-not your f-fault...” and another sob follows, and follows, and follows...

Hitomi can't take it, her friend crying like this, she can't handle just standing and watching; so she takes Minju's hands, clutching it tightly as she stands.

“I'm sorry,” she stubbornly continues, taking a step closer. “I'm sorry, f-for hurting you— all these years— I'm sorry...” her tears fell as well, the tears she adamantly hid, because she don't want Minju to boame herself more. “I'm sorry— for not knowing,”

“I'm s-sorry... f-for not feeling the same way.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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