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(Matilda walks majestically on the stirs down to the hall like she was modelling to a song. It seems she had  gained this stubborn confidence after successfully bringing the metallic box to the room.)
MATILDA; mum!!! where are you,I feel like cloud nine today.
(Suddenly Mr.Francis appears from nowhere right in front of Matilda .When she saw her dad she felt so intimidated just by his looks. But she thought of it that if she has her dad's most precious possession under her bed why should she be scared of him.

MR.FRANCIS; Matilda what's with you nowadays, you see me and pass without greeting. If this was to be the olden days you would have been Spunked ten times already. "3nkwadaa wo'aba di womu adzi koraa" Change before I get hold of you. Have you heard!!!!!
MATILDA;(In a daring but submissive tone)Yes Dad I will do so. Oh God please give me the patience to stand this man for the time being before I leave this house.I just don't want him to be suspicious of anything at all.
ESI ;Matilda!!!!(Esi is a whole pack of energy .She carries this kind of joy around  that touches everyone around her especially Matilda her one and only friend)
Matilda; Esi !!!! Esi where are you (Matilda realises that Esi is at the kitchen trying to help Mrs Queenstin cook breakfast) Esi when did you arrive.
ESI; just yesterday oo, the trip to Accra was mind blowing .That city looks like heaven. If I had the chance I would have stayed there my entire life. You should visit the city one day.(Esi kept chartering about her experience in Accra not  knowing about Matilda's master plan to travel  to the city.)
MRS QUEENSTIN; I once heard that the city is not a safe place at all especially for young girls like you. People rush to that place aiming for money and at the end they become single parents or prostitutes who sleep on the streets. Esi I would advice yoy not to go that place again. God has endowed you with so much beauty and I know for sure that you will get a rich and honourable man in this town to marry very soon. He will take care of all your needs and secure you a good future. You don't have to face the hustle and bustles of the city to get a future for your self. Or Matilda am I lying.
(Matilda stood there motionless with her head lean by the wall she wondered that if that was her mum's perception about the city how will she react if she finds out that her own daughter escaped to live over there without her knowledge)
MRS QUEENSTIN; Ewura I'm speaking to you (Mrs Queenstin taps Matilda's shoulder)
MATILDA; Yes....yes...mum its very t..true.
MRS QUEENSTIN; Ewura what has been happening to you of late,you seem to be behaving strange. I think I need to take you to the herbalist for some concoction. Maybe you are suffering from a strange disease we have no knowledge about. Both of you should help me serve breakfast we will talk about this later.
EBO; mum!!! is the food not ready yet, I'm so hungry.
MISS QUEENSTIN; Food is ready son you can come and have your meal.
(The whole Huges family including Esi Matilda's friend sits around the grand wooden table to have breakfast.)
MR.FRANCIS; So Esi how are your parents now .
ESI ;they are doing great Sir
MR.FRANCIS; so how was your trip to the city. I heard that place is not safe at all especially for vulnerable people like you. I just don't know why your parents took you to such a place (everyone around the table especially Matilda stirs at Mr. Francis due to the manner in which he was talking but no one could stop him when he was talking because it was considered sought of a taboo in the family.)
ESI;Uncle that place seems not to be bad at all. The city has the best of everything its so beautiful and big. I finally got to see the presidential palace . The city has the best hospitals, markets,libraries and on top of it all the best of schools. My parents said they are planning on sending me to the city to further my Education. (Everyone turned to look at Esi as if she just spoke an alien language. This was because no girl had ever cross the boundaries of the township to further her education at the city).
MR.FRANCIS; What!!!...your parents are planning on...sending you to the go and school there? I thought they said you will end your education at  middle school. After all what's the essence on educating a female to that extent.They should invest their money into something more meaningful. I will speak to them later.(Matilda had to put up an act cos she could not stand the words that were coming out of her dad and how it could hurt her friend so much. She begins to cough wildly )
MRS QUEENSTIN; Matilda should get you some water. Oh God,is the food that  spicy .
EBO ; Mum the food is wonderful. She's just being  a drama queen. As she has always been.
(Mrs Queenstin gives Ebo a stern look to stop him from speaking.)
MATILDA; (Matilda suddenly gets up from her seat as she moves towards the direction of the kitchen) I'm going to get more water.
MRS QUEENSTIN; should I give your a hand
MATILDA; No mum I'm fine
(Matilda moves to the storeroom to calm herself after the "frustrating speech" delivered by her dad to break her friend down.)
ESI: Matilda where were you Ebo was looking for you.
MATILDA; Leave that jerk alone ,he only needed a messenger once again which was me. Esi I'm so sorry for what ha...
ESI; hold it right there Matilda Huges, don't behave as if you do not know your one and only friend. Why do you think the boys in my school call me ")baa denden." Matilda I've heard worst things than this. We can't blame Uncle Francis because it's not the norm that a girl should school in this town. So forget it girl. I'd rather feel bad if you talk about it is s that  understood.
MATILDA; Yes Ma'am. Oh God this friend of mine. I've been thinking about something, something very crazy you know. But I'm so,confused about it that I don't know what to do.
ESI; I'm all ears...
MATILDA; Can't tell you for now...will tell you when the right time comes...
ESI;Oh Matilda is hiding something from her  "ride or die" how irrelevant could I be.
MATILDA; NO..that's not it I have my reasons why am not suppose to tell you. But I promise I would tell you when the right time comes. Believe me Kelly it's a do or die affair and I need someone else to talk to with the exception of you ,Dad,Ebo and even Mum.
ESI;  Okay if you say so. I think I  have one person in mind,  I tell you Matilda he will find the solution to  whatever problem you're facing.  The person am talking about is the ")seade3y3" "Nyankop)n" the )wawani that we all know of. Talk to God Matilda, pour down your desires to him and he is gracious enough to hear you and answer you. Your grandma told us so may things but there is this particular quote of hers I still have in mind which says "memoa ni m'inkoranhy3  fri )yame h) na )regyae me mu da." Which means my help and my encouragement comes from the lord who will never leave me. Never forget that God is ever ready to hear you out no matter the situation at hand.

The determined soulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें