Chapter Nine

38 3 28

Minsung is being gross with e/o

Aussie grandpa 👴:
Guys guys
If you were a transformer, you would be optimus fine 😏


Aussie grandpa 👴:
Ooh another one
I forgot your name, can I call you mine?

Strong baby 💪:
What the fuck-

Aussie grandpa 👴:
Oi Felix
This one's for you

Aussie boi ☀️:

Aussie grandpa 👴:
Are you Australian?
Cause you meet my koalifications 🤩

Aussie boi ☀️:
Fdksksksssksk lmfaooo

Drama 🦙 has changed the subject from 'Minsung is being gross with e/o' to 'Chan has gone bonkers'

Child 👼:

Are you that bored at work that you are finding out cringe pickup lines?

Aussie grandpa 👴:
These are pickup lines that some girls were telling me


Aussie grandpa 👴:
Yea lool

Minmin 🐱:
Ngl Chan's super popular in our school
Yesterday I was walking behind a bunch of girls and they were all talking about you
"Did you see that guy at Starbucks?"
"The one with the blonde hair?"
"Yes! He's so dreamy"
And I was like 😀😀

Aussie grandpa 👴:

Quokka 🐿:
But baby
You are super popular too
You are called the "hot Japanese senior" in our grade

Drama 🦙:

Quokka 🐿:
Some ppl think he's Japanese
And one time after Minnie dropped me at my class
One guy came and asked me if he was single and if I could set them up 🙂🙂🙂

Minmin 🐱:
Oh yeaaa
I remember that

Aussie boi ☀️:
What did you do?

Minmin 🐱:
He kissed me in front of everyone
And it wasn't even a small kiss
It was a full blown make out with tongue and all
Mahn I wish I had taken a picture of that guy's face
It was priceless😔
Oh also
Jealous sungie is hot😩

Aussie boi ☀️:

Aussie grandpa 👴:

Quokka 🐿:

Drama 🦙:

Yall are so fucking popular

I remember this one time I was hanging out with innie and this girl came and asked his number while COMPLETELY ignoring me

Child 👼:
Oooh yeaa
Y/n chased her with their shoe


Drama 🦙:
So y/n
How does it feel to have popular students as your friends? 🤩

Ngl it sucks at times
Cuz ppl get jealous
But then I comfort myself thinking that I can beat your asses without any consequences 😔❤

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