Chapter Sixteen

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TW: Mentions attempted harassment

Changlix are adorable and annoying

Drama 🦙:
Gys,,.. help

Aussie grandpa 👴:
What's wrong?

Drama 🦙:
I wad with jiyeon noona
And wr came to ger home
She gave me juice
Buf I feel weird now
I ghink dhe drugged me
And then she started removing her clotgesl
But I wasnt ready
I feel hot like im sick
Im scaredl
Now im in the bathroom
And km shakinf so much I canr type

Minmin 🐱:
Hyunjin calm down
Send us the location, we'll pick you up
And don't come out of the washroom until we say OK?

Quokka 🐿:
Jinnie you're going to be fine
Just trust us

Drama 🦙:
OK... pleade come fast

We're in that area
We'll pick you up

Drama 🦙 :


Hyunjin gripped the phone in his hand tightly so as to not lose control. His skin felt prickly and hot and he was sweating. Staggering, he got up from the toilet seat and went to the sink to wash his face.

"Jinnie~ Noona is waiting. How long will you take? Or are you getting off in there? I told you I'll help you," the sickly sweet voice of the woman travelled through the closed door. Hyunjin felt bile rise up to his throat, and he gagged into the toilet, narrowly missing the pink tiled floor.

"Hey, baby? Are you okay in there?" Jiyeon asked, her voice laced with fake concern.

"I'm fine." Hyunjin managed weakly. "Just, give me some time."

"Alright. I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom."

Hyunjin sighed as he flushed his vomit. He scratched at his skin, praying for his friends to arrive.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait for long. Around ten minutes later, he heard the chime of the door bell and the quick footsteps of Jiyeon — who seemed annoyed, from the curses she was spewing.

"Who are you?" He heard her say after the door clicked open.

"Move aside, woman!" Y/n said and shoved her out of the way. "Who the fuck are you people?! How dare you barge into my house? Do you want me to call the police?!" Jiyeon screamed.

"Oh shut up! If the police comes, the first person to be arrested is you bitch! Fucking pedophile!" Y/n shot back, just as Hyunjin felt another wave of nausea hitting him.

"Where's Hyunjin?" Chan asked, a grave look on his face.

The woman whimpered softly before pointing at a closed door.

Soon, Hyunjin heard footsteps approaching him and he lifted his head from the toilet bowl. There was barely anything coming out. But he felt like he had just got on the most terrifying roller coaster. There was a knock, and Y/n spoke softly, "Jinnie, open the door."

The boy slowly reached for the handle, and unlocked the door. He swung it wide open and was met with the concerned face of his friend. "Hey, are you okay?" They asked.

"No... I wanna sleep. I feel tired."

"It's okay, we got you." Y/n said and helped him walk to the front door. There, a furious but scared Jiyeon stood, staring at him with malice. Y/n flipped her off as Chan spoke, "If you dare approach him again, rest assured you're going to spend the next few years in jail. Learn to live properly."

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