Chapter Twenty-seven

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" knew how to open it?"

Instead of answering, Y/n stepped inside the dark café and turned towards the switches.

"Wait! Don't turn on the lights."

"Uh... why?"

"Because, it's the middle of the night and it's definitely suspicious that a closed café happens to have it's lights on."

"Oh. Right. Okay, I'll go look for the file." Y/n said before muttering to themself, "I think I left it somewhere near the counter."

"You still didn't answer my question." Seungmin said, following close behind.

"What question?"

"Did you know how to open locked doors with a bobby pin?"

"Uh... yeah? Was that not obvious?"

"And, you let me struggle for fifteen minutes trying to open the door?"


"What is wrong with you?" Seungmin sounded completely baffled.

"I'd like to know too." Y/n was now behind the counter, searching through the cabinets.

"Gosh! You're impossible."

"Mhm... heard that one before." They suddenly let out a squeal of delight.

"Found it!" Pulling out the black file, they hugged it close to their chest and sighed, "Ah, I'm so sorry I left you behind."

"Okay, we got the file. Let's go now."


The pair sauntered out of the café. Once outside, Seungmin handed the bobby pin to Y/n, "you know this better than I do."

"Fine." They grabbed the pin and pushed it inside the lock. Y/n twisted it around, tongue out in concentration.

"It's locked." They said after hearing a click. But, just as Y/n was pulling out the bobby pin, a beam of bright light fell on them.

"THEIVES!" A man shouted.

Startled out of their wits, Seungmin and Y/n bolted.

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" Seungmin cursed.

"I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD CURSE!" Y/n yelled as they ran.


Seungmin increased his pace, as the man behind them tried to catch up.

"FUCK HE'S GAINING ON US!" Y/n screamed, trying to keep up with their classmate.


Suddenly, Seungmin grabbed onto Y/n's hand and dragged them closer. They struggled to run that fast, wheezing and heaving, but Seungmin didn't seem to care. "FASTER Y/N!"


Grunting in effort, the boy pulled the other and leaped into a small lane. His eyes fell upon a large garbage bin and he pushed Y/n behind it, immediately squeezing in with them.

The position was uncomfortable, but the two stayed as silent as a mouse, only the sound of their heavy breathing being audible.

Y/n clutched onto the file in their hand, taking small breaths so as to calm their racing heart.

"I think he's gone now." Seungmin said, after a few moments had passed.


They looked at each other; just staring, until they both burst into laughter.

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