Chapter Twenty

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Changbin/Felix private texts

My pixie🧚‍♂️💛:
Will hyunjin and jeongin be OK?

Dw they'll sort it out

My pixie 🧚‍♂️💛:
Idk... I feel bad :(

Awww don't be
All relationships have their ups and downs

My pixie 🧚‍♂️💛:
Will we fight?😟

I hope not :/
I don't want to fight with you

My pixie 🧚‍♂️💛:
Me too 🥺🥺🥺

Want a hug?

My pixie 🧚‍♂️ 💛:
Yes please🥺

Come outside your class

My pixie 🧚‍♂️ 💛:
You're already here?


My pixie 🧚‍♂️ 💛:


Professor Kim:I have reached

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Professor Kim:
I have reached.

Im in the back room rn
Wait I'll be right out

Professor Kim:


"Hey." Y/n greeted the boy who stood like a fish out of water next to the counter.

"Hi." He replied curtly before looking at the menu hung on the wall.

"Do you want something?" They asked noticing him.

"Uh... can I have a Chocolate Cookie Crumble with extra whipped cream?" Seungmin said.

"Sure," Y/n replied before turning around to make the drink, just as the boy sat down on one of the tables. The café was not as crowded as he thought it would be - which was a relief. Seungmin took out his laptop on which he had already done a bit of his assignment, and began researching.

Y/n soon joined him with his drink, "Alright, so you can do your work here while I go to the counter. I have my laptop with me so I'll do it there." They said.

"Okay." Seungmin replied not looking away from his screen.

Y/n rolled their eyes before making it back to behind the counter. Fortunately, they had already served the customers and could concentrate on their project without any distractions.

Atleast... that's what they thought.

However, Y/n's luck seemed to be hitting rock bottom... or maybe high heavens - depending on one's perception - because, right then, Cha Eunwoo entered the cafe in all his glory. They had forgotten that he was performing today.

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