4. As the world caves in (sakuatsu)

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okay so like, theres a text to speech button thingy, i wouldnt recommend using it because A. idk why tf its there, B. cause it ruins the vibe

(apocalypse au)




My feet are aching
And your back is pretty tired
And we've drunk a couple bottles, babe
And set our grief aside
The papers say it's doomsday
The button has been pressed
We're gonna nuke each other up boys
'Til old Satan stands impressed

"Omi..how much longer?" "Until what love?" Sakusa asked as he saw the blonde laying down. "Until I lose you and die..?" Sakusas eyes widened as he pulled Atsu closer. "You wont lose me, I promised Osamu and Suna Ill be here until you die. And I plan on dying with you darling." Atsumu just nodded and closed his eyes. "Omi..I love you" "I love you too Atsu." The two teenagers pulled each other close as they looked around the old high school, seeing the graves they made for Atsumus brother and his boyfriend. Atsumu walked down to say his prayers to Osamu, and to Sunarin as well.

And here it is, our final night alive
And as the earth runs to the ground

Oh boy, it's you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
Oh, it's you I watch TV with
As the world, as the world caves in




Three hours later

Atsumu was on the couch watching Sakusa clean up and tidy everything. He watched as Sakusa grabbed all of Osasuna's things and folded the clothing. Amaranthe, Sunas pet fox was in Atsumus lap, sleeping with light breaths and a soft heartbeat to show she was still alive. An explosion came from a far, but it didnt bother either of the three, they knew their fate and they accepted it. "Kiyoomi..I love you" "I love you too, Atsu..now go and get ready..."

You put your final suit on
I paint my fingernails
Oh, we're going out in style, babe
And everything's on sale
We creep up on extinction
I pull your arms right in
I weep and say goodnight, love
While my organs pack it in



{45 minutes later} (7:45 pm)

Sakusa slowly watched as the explosions came closer and closer, he turned on some gentle music, awaiting Atsumu to come back. Amaranthe on the other hand was sitting on the window sill, awaiting for the signal. Atsumu came down the stairs in a white suit, with a soft golden rose in his breast pocket, Sakusa smiled and adjusted his silver rose in his own breast pocket. Amaranthe let out a single happy howl and her little skirt bounced while her tail wagged. Sakusa took Atsumus hand and they danced together in the evening.





And here it is, our final night alive
And as the earth runs to the groundOh boy, it's you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
Oh, it's you I watch TV with
As the world, as the world caves

The sound of the explosions came closer, the three kept dancing until the bomb came closer. Atsumu pulled Sakusa close and kissed him passionately, the latter kissed back and the kiss was full of love,longing and pain. It was such a bittersweet thing but they knew, they would find eachother in the afterlife, and in the next life. The final explosion hit right ontop of them, all that was left of the two lovers and the fox was the fact that their rose petals, and her collar remained. Their last words to each other were left in their hearts "Ill find you again, and Ill love you even more than I did in our last life." "Ill be waiting for you...Kiyoomi"




Oh, it's you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
Yes it's you I welcome death with
As the world, as the world caves inAs the world caves in



588 words, this one wasnt really a lot of talking lmao

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