chapter 02. the start of the story

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"Hermione where's my hat, the grey one?" shouted Ginny, running through the house, shoving the last few pins into her hair.

"On the dining table" Hermione shouted back from downstairs, completely used to Ginny being a mess in the mornings.

"Thanks" Ginny was running down the stairs, struggling to tie a knot at the back of her dress.

"You want some help with that?" Hermione asked amused, gesturing towards Ginny's struggling attempt.

"Yes please" Ginny replied, sounding relieved, humming softly as Hermione knotted her dress up.

"Done" said Hermione, turning Ginny around so they were facing each other.

"Thanks, how do I look?" Ginny asked.

"Great" said Hermione, "Here's the cake we made yesterday" Hermione thrust a bag filled with two boxes of cake into Ginny's hand.

"Thanks" said Ginny, grabbing here hat of the table and putting it on her head.

"You better not eat any" warned Hermione.

"Well, I might have a bite" she replied checking her hair in a small mirror, "You can't blame me, you almost as good as baking as mam"

"Thanks" said Hermione, "But you better hurry or you might miss your train"

"Okay" said Ginny as Hermione pushed her towards the front door, "You seem keen to see me go"

"Of course, I am" teased Hermione.

Ginny grinned in amusement as he tied up the lases of her boots, "Goodbye" she said while unlocking the door.

"Don't run of with some handsome piolet" Hermione said as a goodbye.

"Wouldn't dream of it," laughed Ginny.

The weather was surprisingly good for an April morning in Britain, there was a few clouds in the sky but overall, the weather was quite pleasant and it didn't seem like it was going to rain. Her heeled boot made a continuous tapping sound on the pavement.

The traffic on the roads increased as she approached the Underground entrance, the stuffiness of the underground train station was unwelcome compared to the fresh air outside.  

"Where's the train to Croydon?" Ginny asked a nearby worker.

"Platform 3 ma'am" the man replied, pointing to a flight of stairs.

"Thank you, sir," Ginny said, already half way up the stairs.

She had to take three trains to get where she wanted to go, London to Croydon, to Crawley, and then finally Crawley to Tangmere. 

Just a minute before the train left, Ginny got on. The cart was pretty full, just like Ginny expected it to be at a Wednesday morning in east London. But weirdly, there was a young mother with a baby that seemed to be unable to stop wailing.

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